Just not fast enough Lolita

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Lola's point of view

Elle and I talked for a little while before she asked me the time.

"11:23" I sighed

"Do you think we're going to die" she asked

"I don't know" I said

Before else could say anything we heard the door next to us open

"Come on you guys are no fun all I want to do is slit more throats" pig boy said

Elle look at me with wide her and I held a finger to my mouth to shush her. We got up slowly and went into the closet. Pig boy opened the door and as soon as he looked under the bed Elle and I ran from the closet right out the door.

"Don't stop running" I screamed

We didn't hear any footsteps behind us so we calmed down a bit.

"Let's try and find everyone else" I said

Elle was a few inches in front of me and right as she turned the corner pig boy met us face to face and plunged a knife into her stomach. I screamed and began to run the opposite way but I was not fast enough because right before I could turn the corner I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.

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