Okay then

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Kissing Logan felt amazing. I felt like I've been wanting to kiss him my whole life. Maybe I have been wanting to kiss him? No. I don't like Logan we're friends. Best friends who are kissing. But we're scared, he's scared and it's a one time thing. We will never talk about it after this night. Oh my god that boy can kiss. We kissed for a while longer then I pulled away

"Wow" he said

"Yeah" I responded

We both looked straight ahead but said nothing. He's got such a nice body. I just want to touch him. But I can't. Zoe's boyfriend. Zoe's boyfriend.

"Logan" I said

"Yeah" he said

"Kiss me again" I said

He kissed me again but harder this time. I got on top of him and took his shirt off. Then he took the sweatshirt off. I know I know it's bad. I wish I could have stopped. But I knew we were going to die. The night of the party I wanted to kiss him. I've always liked him. But I couldn't like him. I never had the chance. I started to take off his pants and he said

"Are you sure"

I shook my head yes and took them off. He got on top of me and oh my. For the first time in my entire life I felt safe which is ironic because look at the situation. But everything stopped the madness in my head and the chaos around us stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at him. The way he looked at me. I never noticed until now. I never saw him look at Zoe like this. But this can't be a thing. I refuse to believe that for the past two years Logan and I have secretly liked each other and Zoe was my placeholder. We can't be together. We won't. I know I won't make it out of here so it won't be a problem. But I wanted him my god I wanted him so fucking much.

"Lola" he said

"Logan" I said then closed my eyes

He got off me then laid beside me

"You don't think we're going to make it out do you" he asked

"No" I said

"I'm going to protect you" he said

"You need to protect Zoe" I said

"Yeah" he said

We both put out clothes on and said nothing

                     Zoe's point of view

I took 3 painkillers. I chewed them up because what else am I supposed to do. I sat on the bed trying to think of anything thing else other then my leg.

"Are you okay Zoe" Will asked

"I don't want to talk about it" I said

"Let's talk about something else" I said

"Okay" he said

"I have a question" I said

"Ask it then" he said with a smiled

"Do you think Logan likes Lola" I asked

"Honestly" he asked

I shook my head yes

"I think he may feel something for her" he said

"Oh my god" I said

"That doesn't mean he's going to act on it" he said

"He already did" I said then began to cry

"He was drunk" he said

"He doesn't drink and he didn't get drunk until after Lola left" I cried

"You think" he began to say

"He tried to kiss her she said no then he got drunk because the girl he really wants rejected him" I said with a sniff

"I'm sorry Zoe" he said

"You know I always had a feeling but I thought I was crazy" I said

"You need to stop thinking about it" he said

"How" I asked

But before he answered he grabbed my face and kissed me

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