Well that took a turn

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                               Lola's point of view

The water was up to my neck and I knew i didn't have long until it was over my head. I kept kicking and screaming but I knew no one was coming. For all I knew everyone was already dead. The water was now touching my chin so I started kicking harder and screaming more. Before I knew it the water was over my mouth. I decided to kick one more time then take a breathe. I did just that then the water went over my nose. I heard movement by the door and I knew he was coming watch me die. I could feel my breathe slipping away and the last thing I saw before everything went black was the door opening.

                              Zoe's point of view

We ran to where the noises were coming from but when Logan tried to open the door it was locked. We heard water running and I began to panic. Logan tried hitting the door a few times but it wouldn't budge.

"Do something" I yelled

Logan and will hit the door a few times but it wouldn't break.But thank god after the 4th hit the door swung open. We ran inside and saw Lola under water and chained up.

"Holy shit" Logan said and began unchaining her neck

Will unchained her feet and I turned off the water. Caleb stood watch to make sure piggy didn't try anything. Logan picked her up out the water but she wasn't breathing.

"Come on Lola" he said while hitting her stomach and giving her mouth to mouth

He did it 5 more times but nothing was working

"Lola wake the fuck up" he said then hit her stomach harder and gave her mouth to mouth again

Then some grater power from above helped and she opened her eyes

                        Lola's point of view

My eyes opened and I began spitting up water

"Oh my god" Logan said and hugged me

He put both hands on my face and said

"Please don't scare me like that again"

"I'll try not to" I said and he smiled

He looked like he was about to burst into tears

"Lola are you okay" Zoe asked and I noticed her wrapped up leg

"Yes I'm fine what the hell happened to you" I asked

"It's a long story for another time" she said

I stood up and Logan took of his sweatshirt and handed it to me

"What's this for" I asked

"You don't have clothes on" he said

Feeling very embarrassed I quietly put the sweatshirt on. Caleb shut the bathroom door so we all had a moment to calm down.

"What's this" Caleb said while picking up a piece of paper  from off the sink

It read

"Let her die so her. How it starts it ends"

"What" Logan asked

What does that mean

"This makes no sense " Will asked

"What could it mean" Zoe asked

"It's in code" Caleb asked

"This is so fucking stupid" Logan said

"The most important thing is that you're alive" Will said then kissed me softly and Logan coughed.

"Shit" Zoe said then fell to the ground

"Zoe" I yelled

"My leg" she said then began to cry

"I have pain killers in our room we need to get them" I said then stood up

We walked out the bathroom slowly and as fast as possible began walking to our room but mid way we heard a noise. Footsteps. He's looking for us, I knew Zoe needed the pills so I began making as much noise as possible and running in the opposite direction while telling them to run. I ran back up the stairs and into a dusty old room but not before Logan slide into the room with me.

"Why didn't you stay with Zoe" I asked

"She's with Will and I panicked" he said

I locked the door and sat on the bed.I looked at him but said nothing

"Lola" he said

"Yes" I asked

"You know that I wasn't drunk at that party" he said

"Yeah I know" I said quietly

"I only got drunk after I tried to kiss you" he said

"I know Logan" I responded

"Why'd you lie" he asked

"I didn't want to tell my Bestfriend that her boyfriend tried to kiss me" I said

"Maybe she should know" he said

"Logan no don't go there" I said

"Why not" he asked looking sad

"Because if you go there so will I" I said quietly

I know it's horrible but I can't help the slight flutter I get when I'm alone with him. That's why it's my daily task to not be alone with him.

"Just once I want to know what it's like" he said

"What do you want to know" I asked

"To kiss the girl I've wanted since I was 15"he said

Before I knew it he pressed him lips to mine. I knew it was bad. I know it makes me a shitty person but before I could stop myself I kissed him back.

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