Stay still

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                            Zoe's point of view

As soon as Lola ran into the woods Logan yelled

"Let's go"

We went downstairs as fast as possible. Will and I limped all the way to the gate. When we got to the gate Logan took out the keys There was at least 35 keys.

"Fuck" he said

I began to panic. He started trying every key but none were working.

"Shit shit shit" Will said

                        Lola's point of view

I ran as fast as I could but he was catching up

"I can't wait to kill you Lolita" he yelled

I slipped behind a tree and tried to be quiet

"Lolaaaaaa" he called

I heard him getting closer and I started to freak out. I felt something heavy in my pocket. It was Logan's phone. That smart little bitch must have slipped it into my pocket when we hugged.

"Sorry iPhone 11" I thought as I threw it as far as I could

I heard the foot steps run in the other direction and I began to run again. I ran a decent way before I heard

"Where are you are you little bitch"

I tried to run but he spotted me. He caught up to me and pulled me by my hair then threw me to the ground. I began to scream and he slapped me in the face. I did the one thing all killers hate I pulled him fuck ass mask off and my god was I shocked.

"Ethan" I asked

"Oh wow you caught me" he said

Ethan is Zoe's fucking older brother who tried to stab me and her mom in the middle of the night three years ago, the neighbors heard the screams and called the cops and Ethan went to a mental hospital.

"How did you get out" I asked

"Good behavior" he said with a smile

"Of course my mom has a restraining order but that's just a piece of paper and she's lucky she's in Florida with my dad or she would be like everyone here" he laughed

"Why are you doing this" I asked

"I just wanted to kill you and Zoe but this is way more fun" he snorted

"How did you find us" I asked

"I've been watching you for months and I knew I couldn't kill you at sea world so I took a hammer to a whale tank then boom the trip was canceled" he said

"Then I sent your little teacher buddy an anonymous letter and told him about this place it was the perfect plan" he laughed

"How did you even know I was going to come. I changed my mind last minute" I asked

"Because Logan's here" he smiled

"Why would that change my mind" I asked

"It did difnt it" he asked with a twisted smile.

Before I could speak he said "I told you how I felt and you rejected me for your bestfriends boyfriend. How fucked is that"

"That's not why" I said

"Then why" he screamed

"Because I think you're fucking ugly" I screamed back. I really do think he's genuinely ugly.

"Fuck you" he said as he started to cry

I looked on side of me and saw a big rock so while he was complaining about how I rejected his creepy ass I yelled

"Go to hell" then hit him with it as hard as I could

I pushed him off of me and started running. I ran and to my horror I found several of his "tools". I ducked behind a tree as I heard him coming. I heard him pick something up and he laughed

"I can't wait to kill you" he laughed

I knew I was going to die but I still stayed quiet

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