Holy shit

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Day two

The next morning I woke up at seven and took a quick shower lucky for me the bathroom was right across from our room. When I got back into the room Zoe was up.

"What are we supposed to do while we're here" I asked

"Do whatever nothing specific" Zoe replied

I put on my black leggings and a black tank top then put on my vans. I put my hair in a pony tail then was ready to go downstairs. When I walked downstairs instantly I smelled food. I soon realized someone made pancakes.

"Mr.smith can really cook" terry said

Terry and I have known each other since 7th grade but as far as I'm concerned he's a perv.

I walked into the kitchen and Ms. Katie handed me a plate

"How did you sleep Lolita" she asked

"Lola, and I slept decently" I said then grabbed two pancakes then poured myself some juice

I looked out the big glass window and saw Will eating outside and talking to Arron.

"Hey" I said

"Hey Lola" they said in unison

"I'm sorry about last night" I said

"It's fine I know how family can be" Will said with a smile

"Yeah" I said

"Anyways I'm going to go take a quick shower, let's meet up later" he said

"Okay" I said

He walked off and Arron walked off to talk to Talia and Elle

Talia and Ella Are your basic cheerleader bitches. Basically Santana and Brittany, I hope y'all know who those people are. There really hot I won't even lie but the fact that Arron thinks he has a shot is kind of pathetic. I went back inside and sat next to terry.

"Hello shorty" terry said with a wink

"Oh hell no" I said then walked upstairs

I really wanted to talk to Will but he was in the shower so I figured I could walk around until he was done. I went to the 3rd floor and started looking around. No ones staying on this floor so it's really creepy. I opened a door to a random room and looked inside. It had a small bed and a dresser and it was dusty.

"Whatcha doing" someone asked from behind me

"Shit Logan make a noise I almost pissed myself" I snapped

"Sorry" he said with a laugh

"Where's Zoe" I asked

"Downstairs" he said

"So what's going on with you and Will" he asked

"Nothing" I lied

"You like him" he asked

"No" I said

"I know you're lying Lola" he said

"Okay yeah I like him a little" I said

"Oh, that's good" he replied

"Yeah" I said

"I'm glad" he said

"Lola I" he began to say

"Hey I was looking for you" Will said while walking up the stairs

"I was just walking around" I said

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