That damn snout

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"Fuck fuck fuck" Arron screamed

"Shut up before he comes find us" Will yelled

"Don't you get it he's going to kill us anyways so MIGHT AS WELL FUCKING GO NOW" Arron yelled

"I'm about to punch the fuck out of you" Will screamed

"Hey Oscar the grouch an Barney take it down a few notches" I said

They glared at each other for a moment but stopped

"Why hasn't he came in here yet" Elle asked

"He's hunting us" Zoe said then sat down

Logan sat next to Zoe and held her hand

"Why didn't you tell me" Zoe asked while looking at me

"What" I asked

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Logan" she asked

"Zoe There is no me and Logan he was drunk off his ass and it meant nothing to us and I didn't want it to ruin what you two have" I said

"You still could have told me" she said

"I know I'm sorry" I said

"Me too bae I never meant to hurt you" Logan said

"I'm not mad, just confused is all" Zoe said with a sigh

"I'm so sorry zo" I said

"It's in the past there's no point in talking about it anymore" Zoe said

"I love you" Logan said

"I love you too" Zoe said then gave Logan a small kiss

"I hate to break up this cute moment but we're still being hunted" elle said

"Our best bet is to wait it out" Will said

"What time is it" I asked

"9:34" Elle said

"That's a long ass time to wait Will" I said

"Yeah if we don't keep it moving he'll crush all of us up like Elle does with coke" Arron said

"I don't do coke you bastard" Elle said while rolling her eyes

"We need to see if he's in the house" Zoe said

"We all need to stay together" Will said

"Okay Fred Jones" Arron said

"Arron could you not be sarcastic for 5 minutes" Will snapped

Arron snorted but said nothing

"Okay the first thing we need to do is lock the front door and barricade it" Logan said

We all walked out the room slowly and looked around. But before I could say holy shit pig boy appeared in front of us

"Do you guys want to play a game" he asked

None of us responded by instead took of running in opposite directions. I didn't know where to go so I ran up the stairs to the 3rd floor. I ran into a room and Elle was right behind me.

"Why'd you follow me" I asked with wide eyes

"I don't know I'm really scared" she said then began to cry

I'm not an affectionate girl but I felt bad so I hugged her

"I'm sorry about Talia" I said

"I loved her" Elle said

"Wait you and Talia" I asked

"All we ever did was scissor but it meant a lot" she cried

"I lost someone I cared about tonight as well so I know how it feels" I said

"I knew you and Terry were a thing" she said

"Wait no not terry" I said with a horrified

"You don't have to lie to me it's okay" she said then hugged me tighter

I didn't see a point in telling her my life story so I said nothing. Truth be told Elle is a pretty decent person without Talia, may she Rest In Peace.

Zoe's point of view

Somehow Lola and Elle got separated from us. Logan, Will, Arron, Caleb, and I are all hiding in a closet. I hope lolas okay. Hopefully she protects Elle because we all know Elle most likely won't make it without help.

"We can't stay in here all night" Logan said in a low voice

"You're right" we heard a voice from behind us say

I tuned around slowly and was face to face with a damn snout. I screamed and rolled right out that closet. I ran downstairs as fast as I could and mid way down the stairs something rolled right the fuck past me. It was Arrons head. I heard the chainsaw start up again so I ran behind the counter. Poor Arron. I thought and began to sob quietly. I was all alone. I didn't hear anything else so I began to calm down a bit that was until I heard my name being called.

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