Holy shit

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Zoe's point of view

"Logan hurry" I yelled

"Would you like to fucking try" he snapped

He kept trying every key but none were working. Just as I was about to say fuck it and flinging my body onto the fence like terry then the gate clicked.

"Oh my god" Will said

Logan and will pulled the gate open and we all looked back

"Do you see anything" I asked

"No" Logan said

"Guys we need to go" Will said

Just as he said that we heard a scream and a loud bang

"Oh my god" I said then felt my eyes watering

"Let's go now come on" Logan said

We walked as fast as we could for almost 10 minutes in the pouring rain before we finally reached the road and thank god we saw a car. We all began screaming and the car pulled over

"What the hell are you kids okay" this man asked

He looked to be about 40 he had a beard and he was dressed in a flannel and jeans.

"Sir can you please call the police people are dead and we don't know where the guy is" I said

He said yes then called 911

"They have some kids out here pretty banged up and They're telling me people are dead so I need y'all to hurry up" he said

He told them where we were then he said

"They're on their way"

"My name is Dennis by the way, what happened to you kids" he asked

We told him the basics of what happened and he looked horrified. 10 minutes later the police and an ambulance pulled up. They asked where the crime scene was and we told them, they tried to make us wait in the ambulance but we all insisted to go back to the house with them. For Lola mostly. We started driving back to the house. Once we were on the dirt road Logan yelled


We all looked out the window and saw Lola walking down the road with a bloody hammer.

"Stop stop stop" Logan screamed

All 3 of us jumped out the ambulance and ran up to her

"I killed him" she said then dropped the hammer

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