The end

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                    Lola's point of view

"I can't wait to kill you" he said

I tried to run again but he grabbed my hair. I swung on him and managed to punch him in the mouth. He dropped the hammer and slapped me in the face. I fell back and he turned to grab his knife. As soon as he did I grabbed the hammer and swung as hard as I could. He fell to the ground and I got on top of him. I hit him over and over again until his head was practically caved in. There was blood all over me. I'm pretty sure I had a concussion and was going to pass out but I needed to try and get out. I walked all the way to the gate then started walking on the dirt road and that's when Logan,Zoe,and Will saw me.

"How did you do it" Logan asked

"Adrenaline I guess" I said then began crying

I told the police and my friends everything

"My brother killed people" Zoe said

"I can't believe this" Logan said

The police said that this was now crime scene and we need to go. We all got back into the ambulance and begin to drive away. They didn't say anything about his body being found but I figured they couldn't give us any information.

"Okay I get it was your brother but he was never around so how did he know all that stuff about us" Will asked

"That's what I was thinking how did he know about the party" Logan said

Just then Will's phone began to ring

"Oh my god I thought this shit was dead" he said

"Who is it" Zoe asked

"Unknown caller" Will said

"I just don't see how Ethan could have know all of that" Zoe said

Just as she said that Will's phone began ringing again

"Just answer it" I said

"Hello" Will said

Then the person on the other end said

"He knew everything with the help of the accomplice of coarse" then the phone hung up

We looked at each other confused as hell then at the same time we all spotted a figure in the woods wearing a pig mask. But the person was close enough for us to see the red hair Poking out.

"What the fuck" we all said


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