Chapter 1

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I was angry, again. Honestly it was no surprise with my temper, but I'd been getting better at controlling it, at least I thought I had anyway. I turned away from the culprit and stormed back inside my house, before I did something I knew I'd regret. Slamming the door, I stood against it and tried to calm myself down, my usual symptoms growing worse the more I thought about the situation that had happened. My temperature rose high, like it usually did, and the smell of smoke filled my nose. I felt the feeling of combustion rise inside me, and thought back to each time that this had happened. I always thought I was genuinely going to explode.

"Layla, what's wrong with you now?" I looked to the voice that said my name, rolling my eyes when I saw it was my dad.

"That woman outside is parked in my spot. I asked her, quite nicely considering, how long she was going to be and she was completely rude to me. Telling me that it was a public road and she can park wherever she wants!" My dad stared at me for a few seconds after my outburst, before bursting into laughter himself. This just irritated me even more, and I felt my cooling skin become red hot again. See what I mean? Bad temper.

"Why're you laughing at me? She was completely out of line with her attitude" My dad stopped laughing then and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Layla, I don't think you're one to talk about bad attitudes at all" and he started laughing again, turning and calling my mums name to tell her what I was angry about this time. I pushed off from the door and barged up to my room, infuriated that my parents thought my feelings were a circus. Getting to my bedroom door, I grabbed the metal handle ready to slam the door to exaggerate that I wasn't happy with the conversation I'd just had, when it melted with my touch. That one really did it and I screamed out with frustration of this happening yet again. This was the fifth time in the last month it had happened, and I was absolutely sick of it. I screeched again, my anger rising higher and higher, to the point I didn't feel that my hands were scalding hold, and I didn't even feel any pain this time because of the adrenaline pumping through me.

"I seriously wish this would stop happening." And that's when something different happened. Not my wish of the burning and scalding feeling disappearing, but a miniature ball of light spitting from my clenched fists. I stopped still, staring in wonder at my hands. I could only stare for a second before my eyes landed on the small fire that had started on my carpet and instantly I stood on it, effectively putting it out, not before the panic had started set in though. I also wasn't quick enough for my parents not to notice what had happened, as by the time I'd stepped and stamped on the floor, my parents were stood at the bottom of the stairs. My mums face had shock on it, and my dad's face was disapproval. Looking at them with a sheepish smile, whilst casually trying to rub out the burns on the newly bought carpet, I thought up the best response I could.

"What? That woman really made me angry."


Listening to my parents lecture me again was boring. I already knew I needed to control my anger and control my ability, but it would've been helpful if I even knew where it had come from.

"Layla, I know I tease you about it, but you need to keep your emotions in check, who knows how you haven't burnt down this house yet" My dads voice was tired, most likely from having to repeat this exact phrase once again.

"This is the first time fire has actually left my body" I protested to his dig. Granted, I had burnt a lot of door handles and several item households, but this was the first appearance of physical fire that had come about, even the first thing I had actually properly set on fire.

"You know what I meant Layla. You go back to school on Monday, I thought you'd been learning how to control this for the last six weeks?" It was currently the summer holidays away from school, and on Monday I would be going into my last year of Six Form.

In the first week, my anger had become very bad, but I just put it down to having an off week. I always have had bit of an attitude I'll admit, but it trebled, and any minuscule thing set me off. By the second week, I'd melted my first object. When I realised my mum had eaten some food I'd saved, it set me off, and I'd touched my, now, favourite object to burn, the kitchen door handle. Saying my parents were shocked was an understatement, but they adjusted to my new ability, as had I. Well, at least I thought I had. My dad turned towards my mum, whilst slightly cutting me out the conversation at the same time.

"I don't know what we can do to help her Cheska, maybe we should-" My dad was cut off, very fiercely.

"No, I've told you before that we shouldn't tell anyone about what's happening. I don't want my only child to be experimented on like some kind of lab animal" I heard my dad sigh, because this wasn't the first conversation they've had about me. Although, it was the first one they have tried having without me, and I was hurt, they always talked to me about everything.

"I wasn't going to say just pack her up and ship her off to anyone who'll give us answers, I meant investigate into some safe sources. Of course I don't want my daughter to be dissected apart like a frog, either."

I couldn't help roll my eyes at that; I got the dramatics from my father. Not wanting to listen to their hushed conversation anymore, I started to skulked off to my room, but not before I noticed an unused candle on the side of one of our miniature tables. Peeking back to my parents, their backs now completely turned to me,  I subtly grabbed it, walking away as none- suspiciously as I could. If I could make fire appear, I might as well make some use of it and try to have some fun with my new party trick.


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