Chapter 21

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Looking into his cool eyes, I almost forgot that I was suppose to be screaming his ear off, and just for a second, I let him hold me, not even thinking about the people rushing around us. For just a second, as he lifted me up and didn't let go, I let him keep contact with me, to feel the slight buzz around the area he was touching. To let his cool hands keep the fire at bay, even if it was only for one second. When that second went by, I sighed at stepped back, his hands dropping to his sides.

"We need to talk" The most surprising thing was that we both spoke those words, at the exact same time, however I frowned. What could he possibly need to speak about.

"Do you want to meet at lunch?" He was the first to recover, although the look of surprise didn't leave his face. His option sounded better than mine, I was planning on demanding to speak whenever I saw any of them, but I guess my education was important too.

"That sounds like a plan, I can meet you three by the park" Now he definitely did look surprised.

"The three of us? Why do you need to speak to all of us?"

"Well you'll find out at dinner, won't you?" this sentence alone was completely dry, but apparently this didn't sit with him.

"Well the thing I need to speak to you about is private" I shrugged, whatever he had to say could wait. He opened his mouth again to argue, but then snapped it shut, a neutral look coming over his face, which I didn't trust at all.

"Fine." I narrowed my eyes, having a hard time believing that he'd give up that easily.

"Fine?" He nodded, not really looking at me.

"The thing I needed to speak to you wasn't that important any way, so I'll tell Talia and Roman to come with me to meet you, so you can talk to us about your super urgent and important thing." His voice had grown quite cold towards the end of the sentence, but I was too preoccupied on his words to question the tone. I felt the fire stir up inside me, and I had to concentrate on the family-friendly  emotion to push it down, just so that it wouldn't kick off between us in the middle of the hallway.

"See you at lunch" and I turned and walked away. The problem was, I could physically walk away from him, really easily actually, but my mind couldn't, so all throughout the morning, I was worrying about what I was going to say to them, without potentially ruining my future with all three of them, because let's be honest, whether I like it or not, they're going to get it. Roman was in one of my classes, and being the oblivious person he was, he tried to talk to me like nothing was wrong. I just ignored him, he would have his chance to talk to me later, and he eventually gave up. My mind, no matter how much I tried to concentrate on the lesson, always drifted back to Luka telling me we had to talk, and how I'd shot him down. I felt slightly guilty, but I had to push it aside, hoping that when I was done with all three of them, and something had been sorted out, I could speak to him afterwards. What I was hoping, is that they would admit it straight away, I would be angry, and they would apologise and grovel to Sally, begging for her forgiveness, but I had the feeling that that was my mind doing a major case of wishful thinking.

Eventually, dinner time rolled around, and when the bell rang signalling the end of the class, unlike at registration, I was the first one out the door. Thankfully, our school allowed the higher education to go out for our dinner if we wanted, so I signed out and sped towards the park, hoping that I got there before them, so I wouldn't have to do the awkward walk across the grass towards them, whilst they watched me. I speed-walked there quick, that by the time I got there I was sweating and breathing hard, but I was the first there, so I didn't mind. On the other side of my earlier worry, I also didn't want to watch them awkwardly when they were walking toward me, so I  pulled out my phone and started reading, that usually pulled me from the real world, and thankfully it did it's job. I was so emerged into the book, that when I heard the gate open, I was pulled back into reality, except what I saw didn't exactly put me in a better mood.

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