Chapter 17

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No sooner than when my eyes started to close, the restriction on my body vanished, and my eyes snapped open, my arms coming out in front of me just in time to stop me from face planting the ground. Groaning I lifted myself up, to see the woman fighting against a wall of water.

"Layla, run" The angelic voice that spoke to me was none other than Luka, and I briefly wondered how he had known I was in trouble, but a second later, my concentration focused on helping him. I managed to stand up, my eyes never leaving the woman's fighting figure.

Unfortunately for us, she had managed to escape the waterfall Luka had trapped her in. She produced her mist and stepped back into it, disappearing, and I just looked at Luka. Silence eloped us, and we scanned the area, cautious of where she was going to pop up. It only took her a few seconds to come back, but this time she dropped from above Luka, taking him by surprise and flattening him to the ground. He tried to buck her off, but the mist trapped his hands to the ground. The shadow was so distracted by him, she didn't notice when I ran up behind her, clasping my hands on her head,  and shot red hot heat to my hands. Her scream was loud enough to wake the neighbours, but I still didn't see anyone come running, I didn't lose any focus on that though. Instead, I put my full attention on the shadow. She was clawing at my hands to let go, but I just held tighter, and eventually, her limp body fell to the ground. Burn marks in the shape of hands were around her temples, and I felt a tiny bit of bile rise up my throat.

"She's not dead, if that's what you're so shaken up about" My head turned to Luka, and for a second I was so grateful and happy he was here, but that didn't last long.

"Where did you come from?" I couldn't help but demand, if he had been here all this time, why didn't he come before I was trapped in the prison of mist? He had the nerve to look innocent as he answered my question.

"I was actually following you home with Roman, just as extra protection in case anything happened. When Roman left you at your door, he saw me, and just let me that you had a brief conversation." He looked sheepish, good, he deserved to look like that if he was checking up on me, but he rushed on as if he knew what I was thinking.

"I was wanting to make sure you got home alright" My eyes flickered to the body laying on the floor, and I sighed, at least I was in a much better state than them. Luka followed my eyes, and his pulled in a breath when he saw the body, that was no longer covered by the mist. He started walking towards it and I followed suite. I braced myself for any damage I might have seen, but luckily, there wasn't much. I studied the female that was lying on the floor, and she just looked like she was sleeping. She was breathing evenly, and her features almost seemed relaxed, rather than the last boys face I had seen, when I saved him. This woman was older than the last one, but still quite young. Instead of looking deathly pale, there was still colour to her skin, flushed even.

"The shadow didn't take any energy from her." Luka interrupted my thoughts, and turned towards me frowning.

"But why would she do that?" My own face was frowning, from what I was told, the shadows were evil and just constantly took energy to survive to keep their powers in tact. Luka continued on, whilst my brain was still thinking up different reasons as to why she didn't actually hurt the woman.

"I guess she could have been full?" I rolled my eyes at his suggestion, that was probably only a very small chance. Shifting slightly, I looked back to the spot where I walked in, through the trees and something clicked.

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