Chapter 3

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Sally and Tamaras shocked faces stared back at me, then at the small fire that had sizzled out straight way at the side of them, then back to me. Sally was the first to speak.

"So this is why you didn't want to hang out much during the holidays" The frozen state I was in melted, and the words just started flowing out my mouth straight away.

"I don't know how it happened, I just turned really, really angry, and then I started melting things with my hands, and now fire just spurts from them when I'm raging. What am I going to do?" I didn't stop for a breath, but I knew I could always count on my friends when I had other problems in the past, so I was hoping they would be able to help me with this one.

"You just spurted fire. Out of your hands" Or maybe not. Tamara looked more like the normal person who had just seen someone wielding fire from their hands, but I secretly liked Sally's reaction more.

"I don't know why it's happening, it just came out of nowhere" I could feel the real panic set in now, something that barely happened. When I was at home I didn't have to hide it, but it was barely an hour into the school year and I'd already exploded. Sally must have sensed my distress and was the first one to march over and hug me, Tamara followed straight after. Both their behaviours were the complete opposite in this situation, usually Sally is quiet and timid whereas Tamara is the one bouncing about and curious about everything. It looks like none of us were being ourselves today.

"You'll be fine, Layla. Whatever this is, we'll figure it out together, alright?" I nodded my head, feeling slightly disorientated, but no longer burning. After a more few seconds, I felt foolish. This wasn't who I was, and I wouldn't be letting this ability change who I was.

"You're right, I can handle this. With you and your help, I can handle whatever life throws at me" Sally modded her head encouragingly, and so did Tamara, now that she had finally gotten over her shock.

"There's the fierce Layla we know" We still has a few minutes before class started, so after exchanging timetable schedules, we finally went on our way. Me and Tamara had to split with Sally for our first lesson, so we said our goodbyes and rushed to get there on time. Praying that it hadn't already started, we were in luck, we saw that all the other students were in, but the teacher wasn't. Looking around, I spotted two vacant seats in the back corner and nudged Tamara towards them. Once we were sat down, I instantly felt a pair of eyes on me. When we had sat down, I knew everyone's else's eyes had left us, I was notorious for being late, and everyone knew it, so it was no big surprise. However looking around, I couldn't see anyone staring and I almost would have given up looking, if it wasn't for a silver tint surrounding boy I hadn't seen before.

"Tamara, look" I nodded in his direction and her eyes lit up.

"I love it when a new person starts, especially when they're hot" I rolled my eyes, she was such a girly girl.

"Do you see anything strange about him?" She frowned and squinted dramatically, obviously thinking I was joking. After a second she looked back at me with a smirk.

"Nope, he's still hot" I huffed and turned to look back at the boy once more, the silver tint still lingering around him. I rubbed my eyes hard, like I did with Talia, and sighed with relief when it disappears like before. Unfortunately, the same moment I sighed happily, was the same moment the new boy decided to lock eyes with me, and as soon as he did, he gave me a lazy grin. What did I do? I scowled at him, not out of nastiness though, out of embarrassment that I'd been caught staring at him. Tamara caught sight of my face and started snickering, causing me to glare at her too, but as usual she took no notice.

"Alright settle down class, I'm here" Our teacher had finally arrived, and the class quickly quietened down. This class was history, and it was something I explicitly took a pleasure it, so I listened intently, trying to ignore the constant flicker of silver that kept trying to intrude in my eye sight. Sighing, I mentally made a note to make an eye appointment and tried to concentrate on the rest of the lesson. An hour passed by, and soon it was time to pack up, feeling happy that the history lessons were going to be a positive part of the year. It almost trumped having the new boy have his stare on me a good portion of the class and the silver tint around him that kept coming back, almost. I waited for Tamara to pack up all her belongings in class, when I felt a familiar presence behind me. A good guess told me I knew who it was, but I played the theatrics anyway.

"Hello, I'm Layla, it's very nice to meet you" I turned around whilst saying this, glad to be met with the new boys startled expression. He quickly recovered though, giving off a breezy smile.

"Nice to meet you Layla, I'm Roman" I squinted at him, trying to figure out what he wanted. In the process, I could see he was actually cute looking, but really not my type.

"Nice to meet you, this is my friend Tamara, she thinks you're hot" I heard a loud gasp behind me, and if Roman hadn't interrupted, I'm sure I would've received a beating from the person responsible.

"Thank you, Tamara. You're extremely pretty yourself" I rolled my eyes, and I  could've sworn I saw her swoon with the eyes in the back of my head.

"What do you want, Roman?" His smile turned into a full blown grin at that for some reason, and I regarded him weirdly, getting the same vibe I did when with Talia.

"Fierce, I knew it" I gave him a slightly surprised look, before a frown registered on my face, not knowing whether to take it as a compliment or insult.

"Right then. We'll be leaving now." I went to turn away and to give Tamara a look, but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends for dinner?" I heard Tamara squeak behind me, and my impatience started to run even more thinly.

"How do you have friends here already? It took me a good four months for me to even meet Tamara when we were younger." It was true, even as a child I  was unfriendly, and didn't want to be friends with anyone, that was until Tamara stumbled across my path and annoyed her way into my life. Sally, too, a couple of years later. Roman was still grinning at me, like I had said the most amusing thing in the world.

"It's my charming ways." That I scoffed at. Again, I wouldn't deny that other girls may drooled at his feet, but I wasn't one of them.

"If you say so Romeo, but unfortunately I'm going to have to decline your tempting offer." and with that, I gave Tamara a sharp look and abruptly left him, with a confused look on his face. He clearly thought I was going to snatch up his offer, but he had another thing coming if he thought I was going to fall to my knees for him.  Concentrating hard on the rant I was having inside my head, I  didn't noticed the body I crashed into until it forced me to stumble back in to Tamara. My temper flared, again.

"Hey, watch where you-" I was abruptly cut off, this time by a pair of piercing, blue eyes and a the same coloured mist surrounding them.

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