Chapter 4

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The mesmerising eyes belonged to someone, who was indeed good looking, but extremely cold. Literally. He had grabbed me to stop me from falling over completely and his hands against my bare arm were cold, but not cold enough to shock me. They cooled the slightly burning feeling that had shot up from him being in my way and causing the crash. It felt like his hand lingered on my arm for for minutes, when in reality it was probably mere seconds, his eyes filling with wonder like Talias and Romans had. That only lasted for a brief second only though, as instantly his face became neutral and he regarded me with a cool stare.

"You might want to considering watching where you're going next time" His voice was like music to my ears, but the words he said were like the terrible, useless lyrics.

"You might want to watch where you're standing next time, buddy. You knew there was a door there, don't stand in front of it."  He narrowed his eyes at me, and was more than likely going to retort back to my harshly spoken words, but he didn't get the chance.

"Ah, I see you've met the first of my friends" Romans voice rang out behind me, startling me. I had honestly forgot he was even there. Slipping past me in the door way, he stood next to the un-named boy, and for a minute I felt completely disorientated, the colours swirling between them. The silver and blue clouded my vision around them, becoming more intense the more I looked. I groaned and rubbed my eyes so hard I saw fresh, new vivid colours behind the darkness of my lids. I pulled my hands away, ready to see the world for the true colours that are in it, and was frustrated when the coloured mists were still there, if anything they looked brighter.

"Are you alright Layla?" I tuned back it to hear Tamaras voice, but it was barely audible over the pumping of the blood in my ears. Why weren't these stupid colours going away? I could feel my skin heating up with my anger fuelling the flame, and I swore the colours flickered brighter, mocking me.

"I'm fine, I think I'm just going colour blind" Tamara rolled her eyes, she already knew I was a hypochondriac. Giving another look at me to make sure I was already, she said her goodbyes to the boys, and I was eager to follow, not being nearly as nice with my leaving conversation.  Lunch came fast, mercifully letting me avoid the new group in the two classes leading up to it. Walking into the canteen, I immediately saw Tamaras over dramatic waving at me, and going closer I saw Sally cringing at the attention being brought to us.

"Give up before you give Sally a heart attack" She looked up at me gratefully, but it didn't stop Tamara being so loud.

"Do you know how many people I had to fight to get this table? These students are savages" I nodded agreeing, thinking back to the morning on how they wouldn't let me get through peacefully.

"Why did you get such a big table? We don't even need it." We could have easily fit six more people on, but Tamara and Sally has spread themselves and their belongings over it, covering most of the bench.

"I've done it today specifically so no one can hear today's topic of conversation, you" I sat still for a second before forcing myself to relax, I already knew what was coming, but thankfully got time, the interrogation didn't have chance to start. Unfortunately, I didn't think the distraction that stopped it was enough to make me happy that it hadn't started in the first place.

"Hey, is anyone sat there?" The breezy voice of Roman drifted from behind me, and I groaned. I noticed Sally tense slightly, but this was nothing different, she wasn't great with new people in general. I turned around to tell Roman that the seats were occupied, and that was stopped when I Talia with him, along with the unnamed, blue eyed boy. The colours that I had managed to evade for the past couple of hours came back strong, the blue, silver and now green mixing around them all, making me roll my eyes back into my head to avoid them. Like earlier, the colours were brighter than ever, instantly giving me a head ache. I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder.

"Layla are you alright? You look like you're having a fit." I felt like at any moment I could have done, the headache not subduing at all.

"I'm fine, I just have a splitting headache."

"I've got some medicine for that, if you want it?" Talias voice piped up, and once more a calmness washed over me, her voice soothing the  agitation inside me me like it did this morning. I looked to her and saw she had moved forward a bit, a slight look of wonder still on her face, but now there was also nervousness. I sighed, happy that the colours had dimmed slightly, even if the green surrounding Talia was taking up most of my vision.

"That would be helpful, Talia. Thank you" She nodded her head before starting to root through her bag. Roman and blue eyes took that as a sign to sit with us, and were already sat before I could refuse them. Surprisingly, blue eyes sat next to me, and I felt a slight chill crawl up my back. Ignoring it, I turned back to Talia, who was now holding the medication in her hand, outstretched to me. I took it, and again saw her flinch ever so subtly, before pulling her hand back.

"Thank you" I murmured. Sensing that I wasn't going to kick off at her, a relieved look came across her face and she took her seat next to Sally, who's tense statue hadn't eased at all. I lightly kicked her leg under the table and her gaze snapped to me. I tried mentally sending her a message, telling her to calm down and that it was alright, and eventually she got the message. Feeling eyes on me, I turned to blue eyes, who was staring at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Your friend doesn't want us here" He said, and I bit back the comment that I was going to say about how I didn't really want them here either, that all three of them couldn't just force into our lives like this, but I didn't have to say it, as he did.

"And neither do you" Hearing him say it out loud made me feel a little bit guilty, and I tried to muster up some of the usual anger at the assumption, but looking into his eyes, the flame stayed unlit, traitor. I opted for a cool look and approach instead.

"It's not that I don't want you here, it's that all three of you have shown up and in some way or another, and managed to severely annoy me at some point." His eyes narrowed even more, and I felt a little flicker inside me, but not enough to make it light up.

"Even Talia?" I thought back to the morning and realised that her bumping in to me was more than likely my fault for rushing and not looking where I was going.

"Alright, not Talia" I bit frostily.

"But you and Roman have" A grin appeared on his face, but it disappeared just as quick. This time I was the one to narrow my eyes, why was he hiding his smile? More importantly what did he have to smile about in the first place? I  held his gaze for one more second, before turning it to more important matters, my food. It was going cold and I wasn't going to let him ruin my dinner, or at least I thought I wasn't. He studied my for a couple more seconds, not saying anything, before finally opening his mouth.

"Do you always have this bad of an attitude?"

Let me know what you think of this new chapter :) (:

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