Chapter 18

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After spending most of the weekend at the trio's, between the training, of which I was apparently exceeding on, and constantly thinking of Luka, as well as  my parents guilt tripping me that their little girl was growing up and not spending any time with them, I was glad to get back to school and see my friends, to put some normal back into my life. So you can imagine my surprise when both of my best friends were very quiet and glum. Sally had been like this for some while, on the account of the three new people barging into our lives, so I was used to this, but Tamara I was surprised at.

"Tamara, what's wrong?" She looked at me, with a slightly startled look on her face, but regained composure straight away.

"Nothing's wrong" The tone of how she said this meant that there was indeed something wrong, and after giving her a hard look, it only took her a second to crumble.

"My parents are really cracking down on my studying and training, and it's just getting to me a bit, that's all" I completely sympathised for her. Tamara's parents were way too strict, and from the little age I'd known her they were always drilling into her about her studies. Her training were all the martial arts she did. They both were completely obsessed with it, and the one time she expressed an interest in it, dragging me with her, they've pushed it onto her and not let up since.

"The studying I can understand, we need all the help we can get for when we're thrust into the real world, but you really should take a stand at the martial arts, you're a pro at all the classes you take. Cant you give a couple of them up?" She shook her head, the same sad expression in her face.

"They're talking about entering me into master classes, so I can learn even more. I swear they want me to be an actual ninja" I smiled, and a chuckle made it through my mouth. Tamara made eye contact, and a small smile made it onto her face as well.

"I know they're being hard on you now, but it really is for the best. They aren't making you do bad things, they're all things that will, potentially, help with your future. Just stick at it, you're really good at it." My little speech made the smile on her face grow a little bit wider, so I hoped I had helped, even if it was only a tiny bit.

"Thanks Layla, you always know the right things to say" I couldn't help what I said next, it was in my blood, at least I grinned when I said it.

"I know" Tamara laughed, and turning to the next moping person, I hoped my cheering up skills could work twice in a row.

"Right, what's wrong with you Sally? You haven't been yourself for a few days, so spill" She opened her mouth, but I cut her off before she could start.

"Don't you dare say nothing, you've been even more quiet than usual, and even quite angry, so spit it out" She closed her mouth and glared at me, not in a nasty way, just in a way I knew I was right about what she was going to say.

"I'm mostly just sick of this school and the people that are in it." I frowned, confused at her statement.

"What do you mean?" Both me and Tamara were looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to explain her words.

"Some people in this school, they think they're at the top of the social chain, when in the real world, they wouldn't last a second. You know I had someone a few years younger than me poke fun the other week? What is it about me that makes me a target?" I stared at her blankly, before looking her up and down. I personally couldn't see any reason that would give another human being the right to bully another, but I guess to other people, the big glasses Sally wore, alongside her ankle length skirt and cardigan she was wearing, were the obvious reasons. Still though, nothing valid.

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