Chapter 25

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We watched about thirty shadows pile in to the room and they all took their seats. I could see black mist start to surround them, as they eased up a little bit, not needing to keep the charade up for the humans. They took their seats that were set out in neat and straight lines in front of the stage, and started chatting amongst themselves. The camera quality that Tamara had installed in the room was good, and whilst waiting for the meeting to start, I managed to get a good look at their faces, and thankfully, it was no one I recognised. Nothing exciting happened, as they just continued talking for a few minutes, but when the doors re-opened a second time, there was utter silence. I felt the five of us go still and not a single breath passed our lips, as we waited to see who would walk through the door. An older couple walked in, and we all moved forward to get a look at their faces, but again, I didn't seem to be able to recognise them, but this time, a voice in the back of my head was telling me their faces were familiar. The shadows all rose, and when the couple got to the stadium, they all were seated again. We all waited in anticipation, because this was the moment we had all been waiting all day for.

"Good evening all, I know you must all be very excited to be here" even the voice was familiar, it felt like I was getting de ja vu. Me and Tamra looked at each other, and I knew she felt the same as me.

"As you know, we have decided to retire from being head of this clan. We have spent many years being your leaders, but our time has come to end. Fortunately, we were blessed with a force that is to be reckoned with."

"Who even speaks like that?" I whispered to no one in particular, although  someone did reply.

"Complete monsters" Luka replied, which earned him a hum in agreement, I was too busy looking back at the tablet to see if the new leader was there.

"Unfortunately, due to other personal commitments, we won't be introducing the shadow who will be taking over our position tonight." The five of us groaned simultaneously,  what a complete waste of time, or so we thought anyway.

"Times are changing, and this part of the country, even the world, needs a fresh new face, a fresh new shadow to completely take over the human race. We need a shadow that isn't afraid, and that will help us no longer have to stay in the dark. Too long, we shadows have stayed where our name originates from, and once we take over this city, we can continue with the rest of the world" They were all cheering. They were all cheering so loudly, I saw more of the black mist appear around the room. The more rowdy they got, the less effort they put into their appearance. The only two that remained with no mist around their bodies were the couple at the front, who were smiling at the crowd, but it was the same evil smile that the last shadow boy we encountered had, fake. Fake and Evil. When the crowd had quietened down, the female shadow spoke again.

"For too long our numbers have been dwindled by the elementals and the Shadow Hunters, but we have got the numbers back up, and now we are prepared. They are back, but this time we have a surprise on our side."

"And what's the surprise?" This came from an excited shadow from the front, who was almost at full mist, his face barely even there.

"This time, we will have the most powerful element on our side, the fire" they all started chatting again, and I felt all eyes on me.

"What? I've already refused two times, you think the third ones going to change my mind?" I let the annoyance filter out in to my whisper, offended that they would even think about me betraying them. They all diverted their eyes back to the tablet, as now the chatter had gone down once again, and tuned back into what the couple were saying.

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