Chapter 12

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Stepping inside the trios residence once again, I was dressed to train. I was wearing the only pair of work out pants I owned, which weren't the comfiest, but they did make me look good. The sports bra was digging into my ribs, reminding me about how much I hated any type of exercise or training. I put it on with the hopes that we weren't doing anything physical, but I didn't want to risk it. Luka had told me to come straight in, and I couldn't help but think how dangerous it was for them to leave the front door unlocked, but them thoughts went straight out of my head the second I felt a huge ball of water splash over my body.

"Luka!" I screamed, knowing who the culprit was.

"Lesson number one, always be prepared" He appeared out of no where, and I narrowed my eyes at him, giving him my scariest glare.

"Well, excuse me for not thinking that you'd start shooting water all over your house, walls and furniture" He just returned my hiss with a smirk, a smirk I didn't like all too well.

"For your information, the water didn't go anywhere but you, look around" and I did. I searched the entire wall and even ended up on my hands and knees feeling the floor, but it was as dry as a bone. Huffing I got up, glad that the water wasn't freezing cold, it seemed Luka did have a soul after all.

"Was that Talia I heard? Luka! I thought we said we would wait until we were outside!" I turned towards Talia, and was grateful she was on my side.

"Talia, thank goodness you're here, I'm freezing" I tried to add a shiver for effect, but she saw right through me and just crossed her arms, smiling at me.

"Luka never uses cold water, and if he did use cold on you, I get the impression you wouldn't even be able to feel it. Your skin is scorching hot." I regarded her with a puzzled look, and Lukas was the same.

"What do you mean?" Talia was looking between the two of us, before motioning to Luka.

"Her body temperature was scalding when I accidentally touched her the first time we met, try it for yourself" She pointed towards me, and Luka hesitated but strode over, and after a split second, touched my bare arm. His touch was cool, almost refreshing, and I was left feeling colder as soon as his hand left contact with my skin.

"She feels fine to me. Was she annoyed when you touched her?" Yes actually, yes I was. After nodding mine slowly, Talia also nodded hers, realising the reason I was annoyed at the time. She came over and touched the spot where Luka had just been, but snatched her hand away just as quickly again.

"Still quite warm" She muttered, before turning around and heading towards a door. She stopped before she left it and turned to look at me, an excited grin on her face.

"Time to see what you've got in you"

An hour later, I was well and truly exhausted.

"Layla, you are so unhealthy." I glared at the voice of judgment, Roman. He just laughed at my expression, amused by the very fact that I was nearly killed off by their version of a warm up.

"How does any of what we have just done help me with my powers?" I grumbled, I could already run away if I needed, so I didn't need to do more of that, and I could already do the basics of street fighting, from my younger years of martial arts, so I didn't see why I needed to learn that either.

"It helps by keeping yours, and our, fitness up. There's no point in being in a fight with a Shadow if you can't breathe, they will see your weakness. There's no point in even putting up a fight if you can't run away, at a decent speed for a good length of time, if you even know when to cut your losses. You need to keep fit, which you are not" This of course came from Luka, the wise God I was beginning to learn he was, or at least that he thought he was. Cracking my back, I looked at him in anticipation, silently wishing he would let me start uncovering my ability. He stared back for a moment, but before the world could disappear around me like it usually did, he sighed and nodded his head, signalling that we would start.

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