Chapter 31

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The fire disappeared from my palm, caused from the shock of Sally's words.

"W-what do you mean?" I barely got my words of, confused by what she just said, not completely sure if I had heard her right or not or if it was my mind playing tricks on me.

"I'm in love with you Layla, and I have been for a very long time. Even before I saw you with the physical fire, I've always loved the fire inside you." I just stared, that's all I could do, she couldn't be in love with me, I'd never even noticed her feelings for me other than friendship for the whole time I knew her.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have threatened to kill my parents for me to join you" she sighed, an irritated look coming on her face.

"That was my parents fault, they got involved and told me I had to do it, I didn't want to, I knew it would make you angry."

"Yet you did it, you knew it was wrong and it would hurt me, but you still did it. Just like you pretended to be my friend, to be a spy for your parents, when in the end, you knew it would hurt me. That's not love" The irritated look had gone from her face and was replaced by desperateness again; it was an unnerving sight.

"We're meant to be together Layla. You said earlier that your destiny was to destroy me, that's wrong, our destinies are combined, and it's that we're destined to be together." My mouth fell open at her words, she looked deadly serious as well, like she believed the words she was speaking. I shook my head slowly, making sure she saw the action.

"You're crazy" She flinched at that, before standing a little straighter, the word I just called her becoming more evident on her face, though I saw she was trying to hide it.

"I'm not, we belong together, to be by each others side for the rest of our lives" I scoffed a little bit, it just came out when she finished, and I swear I saw her eye twitch.

"That's crazy talk" Her fists closed again, tighter this time, like she was trying to keep her anger in check.

"Why do you think it's crazy? Why isn't it a possibility? I could protect you from the rest of the world when the Shadows take over" This time I did actually laugh, and it wasn't even forced.

"The very fact you think the Shadows have a chance of taking over when we're around, makes this conversation even more crazy, but I'll humour you. I'll tell you why you and this whole conversation is delusional. Firstly, I never saw you like that, it was nothing more than being friends for me, that was what I was happy with, obviously now circumstances are different, now it's just enemies for me" I had noticed black mist had started to form around her, the more I talked but I was on a roll, trying quickly to get it out so I could get this over with and deal with her.

"Secondly, I could never be with someone like your kind, you're nothing but evilness, you're monsters" more black mist.

"Even you, you've believed your tiny brain into thinking that you could look after me by having you by your side, but even then all you're going to do is enslave the human race, kill them and torture them, and I could never be with a thing that murders innocent humans, it's sick and so are you. There is nothing in the entire world that could make me love you the way you claim you do me, and I am extremely glad that is the case, I don't know what I would do if there was. In fact, I know what I would do. I would use my abilities for one last act of kindness, this time for me, and set myself on fire" From the end of my first sentence, Sally had closed her eyes, the blackness engulfing her more heavily the longer that I went gone on, but the second I said what I did, completing the rant, her eyes snapped open and I had to admit it was a little bit scary. Both of her entire eyes were black, and her human form was starting to slip as she tried to keep a hold of her emotions. I looked over my shoulder to see if any body was watching, but they were still involved in their own fights, too distracted to see mine. I was glad, I didn't need anybody coming over and interrupting, this was my fight.

"I guess the only way I can have you, is ridding you of everyone else. I'll kill your parents, in fact I'll kill your whole family, distant cousins and all" The mist had started swirling around her quicker, the more she spoke, and I felt a slight pull from it, physically trying to draw me in, but her words set my whole body on fire, and I could feel it getting hotter, more quickly, than ever before.

"I will kill everyone you have ever made contact with, friends or not, it doesn't matter, gone. That includes Tamara, I never really liked her anyway so it'll be fun to see the light leave her eyes." The pull became stronger, but I managed to keep my ground, the wind becoming more harsh, like it was in tune with Sallys emotions and anger, but it could have been with mine as well. The fire was seething inside me, like a bomb that was seconds away from exploding. I could feel myself physically shaking, but I  couldn't get the words out to scream at her to stop talking, I was trapped in my body, feeling like I was being burnt alive, even though I felt no pain, it was more painful hearing the words Sally was saying.

"But what I will enjoy the most, is to kill that little boyfriend of yours" She nodded her head in a direction behind me, and I  managed to force my head to turn, only sparing a second to look back at the battle behind us, and looked at Luka. He was gracefully and skilfully combatting against two shadows who were trying to get to my parents, who unsurprisingly were also trying to join in.

"I can't wait to have him gone, so you wont waste your life on someone as pathetic as him, when you could be with someone with real power. I will drain him of all his element and all his life."

"Stop it" I managed to grit my words out, not even concerned when a small bit of fire came out of my mouth. I'd managed to stagger forward a few steps with the help from the pull of her mist that was swirling incredibly fast around her now, almost engulfing her completely, her face barley showing through.

"No, I wont. I want you to know that because of your selfishness, everyone around you will die. I'm capable of it Layla, and now you've pushed me too far" My fire had physically burst alight now, little flames licking off every open surface. I'm sure to others it was a beautiful sight, but the feelings were barely contained. I didn't know what to do, my breathing was fast, my mind was whirling, almost in a disorientating way. I'd never felt so completely disconnected from the world before in my life. I couldn't even try to calm myself down to stop the flames that were getting bigger on my body, I must have literally looked like one big fireball.

"Stop speaking Sally, I mean it" I saw  through the whirlwind she was smiling a cruel smile, she knew she was pushing me to my limit, and if she didn't stop right this second, I didn't know what I was going to do. The way she was looking at me, I knew she was going to do everything in her power to make me snap.

"Layla, I will kill everything and everyone you love, because if I do that, you will have no one. No one to turn to, no one to love, so in the end, you'll be forced to love me, and there won't be a single thing you can do about it" My thoughts were correct, and she had successfully pushed me to my limit. Throughout the entire time, she was looking me in the eyes, saying those words, I felt the timer ticking, the fire getting higher than it had ever been before. When the sentence was finished, so was I. Right there in the middle of the garden, right where I was standing, amongst the house, the trees, my parents and friends, I exploded, the fire finally leaving my body, then all I saw was darkness.

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