Chapter 28

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I looked around and saw that the more faces I looked at, the more they all became very familiar, and I realised every single one of the shadows that were here, were at the meeting I saw live on the tablet. Looking back at Sally, I looked to see if she was injured, and thankfully she didn't look to have had any life threatening harm come to her. That thought itself made the fire spread like wildfire through my veins, ready to jump out and burn anything with a mist attached to it. The woman was the first to speak, and her voice just made me want to burst into flames right then, just to see her catch on fire.

"Hello Layla, what a pleasure it is to see you again"

"Let her go" I ignored her greeting. I just went straight to what was important at that moment, which was getting Sally safe and getting out of here. I looked the couple in their eyes, and they just smirked, clearly not taking me seriously.

"Let who go? I'm not holding anyone prisoner here, well except you" they all laughed at her pathetic excuse for a joke, and my eyes went to Sally.

"Sally, are you alright?" She nodded her head, a look I didn't recognise on her face.

"Sally is more than alright, aren't you dear?" She didn't say anything, just continued looking at me, before she turned to look up at the woman, a neutral look on her face.

"Yes mother, I'm completely fine" I felt the fire drop from my veins, as I felt the cold take over my body, and I felt my ears start to ring.

"Mother?" The female shadow grinned at me and nodded her head, placing her hands on Sally's shoulder.

"And just in case you didn't work it out already, this makes this man right here her father, my husband" She nodded her head towards the male shadow, who's smile was much more threatening that his wife's. I ignored him and I desperately looked back to my friend.

"Sally, tell me it's not true" She was back to looking at me now, and just shrugged her shoulders, causing her mums hands to drop off them. I gave her another look, before sighing, then quickly spinning back around to sprint back through the house, only to be blocked by who I was led to believe were Sally's parents all my life. One look at her, former, mum, made me realise why she always looked so crazy. The black mist was cracking through her skin, the weird smile never leaving her face and I became suddenly aware that she must have been one of the more psychotic ones. They started walking through the door, causing me to stumble back, and closer to the crowd of shadows that were silently watching. I scanned the garden, and felt a bit of defeat rise up inside me when my only other escape option was around the side of the house, which was more or less covered by a couple of shadows who were guarding it. I mentally slapped myself, if only I had come around the side, I would've seen this first and could've escaped quietly, telling the others where I was and what I'd seen.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much Layla sweetie, she's only been lying to you your entire life" and then she laughed, in a delightful way. The sound itself made the coldness leave my body, and help the fire return, my fist automatically closing, which unfortunately she also noticed.

"Now there's no need for violence is there? Let's just get that little problem sorted so you don't do something you regret" I immediately went defensive, but I felt confused when she didn't start moving towards me. It wasn't until I felt the familiar cold, tight feeling wrap around my body and I looked down, that it was the same black mist that held me prisoner before, frankly I should've have thought that they would try something like this.

"There, that's better isn't it?" Her patronising tone only made my skin heat up to the usual hotness, and the spitting of the flame continued to come to the surface, but this time I had it controlled. Looking the shadow in her eyes, I replied as calmly as I could, you know, as calm as I could be when I just wanted to spurt out fire and burn everything in sight.

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