'Is this a real place?' I say in disbelief and Matthew gives me such a confused look. 'I am legitimately shook.'
'Why are you so shook?' He laughs and gestures for me to walk inside. I laugh. How did I not know this place was here? This is like my dream.
'Are you kidding me? This is like straight out of the 1950s, like an Elvis music video. I love this era genuinely.' I almost scream in excitement.
'Come on then, let's go inside.' Matthew smiles as I walk inside this diner. Literally, it looks like an exact copy of the diner from Grease, that is the only way I can describe it. We sit down at a red leather booth opposite each other. A waitress comes over and asks us what we want. I pick up a menu and look over the endless choices of delicious food.
'I'll have a small bacon cheeseburger and a small diet Pepsi. What are you having?' He smiles at me knowingly, like he has been here a million times. Shut up Evelyn, you know he has. I smile back and take another look at the menu. 'I'll have a small gooey chocolate brownie and a small diet Pepsi with lime.' She nods and walks away.
'So have you given our first assignment any thought?' I lean in closer and rest my arms on the silver table. 'I have some ideas. How about you?' He responds and leans in, resting his muscular leather jacket arms on the table. 'No I have zero ideas. I mean I have just moved here for god's sake. What are your ideas?'
The waitress brings over our food and drinks. I take a long sip of my Pepsi and make a face as I realise how sour it is. Matthew laughs and comments 'As if I would tell you all my ideas just so you could steal them for yourself!' We both laugh, properly not just fake laughing. I end up hiccuping on my drink which starts the whole fiasco all over again.
Eventually, we eat our food and Matthew states 'You know what you are not as goody goody two shoes as I thought you were.'
'And you aren't as arrogant and bad as I thought you were.' I clap back at him with a chuckle.
'Oh believe me you haven't seen nothing yet.' He drinks the last of his Pepsi and puts down a £20 note.
'I can pay for this if you want.' I grab my handbag and start rummaging through it for my wallet.
'No my treat. Although you're paying next time.' He stands up and puts his rucksack over one of his strong shoulders. 'Next time?' I question him excitedly like a small child.
'That is if you are up for it Evie.' He looks down at me from his tall stature.
'You bet I am.' I shake his hand awkwardly and smile down at his black trainers.

Fireflies and Secrets
Teen Fiction'Everyone loves a love triangle, don't they?' Quirky Evelyn Cartwright thought moving to the quaint town of Saffron Hollow would be an easy fresh start. But when she meets her roommate, the local celebrity Samantha Firefly and her brooding older bro...