After about half an hour we finally have managed to put together a dance routine that seems acceptable, considering the amount of time we have had. You know I had forgotten how difficult it is to put together a dance routine, especially since contemporary dance is not my chosen style. However, it seems that most of the people in this group are either Contemporary, Tango, Charleston and one person prefers Rumba. Personally, I am a Charleston girl so I am glad I am not the only one.
'Okay everyone you have had enough time so now I want to see what you've got.' Christian gets up and hits play on some weird music, I literally don't know what genre it is. 'Alright team 1 on my left will go first. Begin.' Alright let's do this. We go into our positions and start the dance. It tells the story of a group of women trying to win the affection of a woman through dance to join their cult. I wish that was my idea but unfortunately it wasn't.
As I am dancing, I notice a slim black haired girl stumble next to me. Oh no, she is going to fall over and topple me like a Jenga pile. The girl falls and instinctively I catch her in my arms. Now what? Oh okay I whisper 'Spring up from my arms towards the middle of the group.' I push her gently and she jumps forwards before continuing the routine. Thank god for that, imagine falling over in dance on the first day. I would probably quit and move towns again.
The other team perform a similar dance, I am not entirely sure on what the story behind it is but it was impressive. However, it wasn't very memorable to say the least. 'Alright that is enough. I am not going to choose a winner since it doesn't really matter if you think about it. On the other hand, I have inputted individual scores on the school database that will contribute to your final grade this year.' Christian snidely remarks, he is incredible infuriating. 'Come in gentleman please.'
What the hell is happening right now? A group of young muscular men walk in and sit next to us. 'Each of you put your specialized dance style on your applications and now you will partnered with someone that put the same dance style as you.' One by one Christian calls up pairs of students that specialize in the same dance styles. 'Evelyn Cartwright, you put Charleston so you will be partnered with George Everdam.'
A skinny yet muscular figure with ginger hair stands up and I walk over to him. Not bad, I am glad I have got someone who can actually lift me. He extends his hand and I shake it, yes he can definitely lift me. 'Do you have any idea what this is all about?' I softly whisper in his ear.
'I have no idea.' George whispers back.

Fireflies and Secrets
Roman pour Adolescents'Everyone loves a love triangle, don't they?' Quirky Evelyn Cartwright thought moving to the quaint town of Saffron Hollow would be an easy fresh start. But when she meets her roommate, the local celebrity Samantha Firefly and her brooding older bro...