'What time is your party at George?' Sam takes out her phone, I turn to George. I didn't know he was throwing a party why wouldn't you mention that? 'It starts at half past eight, you're both welcome of course.' George remarks whilst standing up. What is he doing? Why is he acting incredibly shifty. 'I have to go and set up that actually so I hope to see you there Evelyn.' He shakes my hand before walking out the door.
'What's the dress code for this party then?' I ask Sam who is putting her hair into a bun with a back roll sort of thing. 'There isn't one but for god's sake look sexy otherwise you will make me look bad.' Right, look sexy. Do I have anything sexy in my closet? I look through my clothes, my style is more girl next door kind of vibes rather than sexy. I could wear the orange dress again but that definitely needs to be washed.
'I hate to ask but I don't have anything sexy.' I turn to Sam who sighs dramatically.
'You can not keep asking me for clothes, you need to go out and buy some.' Sam remarks whilst rolling her eyes. She is now wearing a black dragon embellished velvet mini dress which is quite similar to the dress she was wearing a few days ago. 'Okay, I have no classes tomorrow so I can go shopping then but please can I borrow something?' I am basically begging at this point.
'Fine but only because George fancies you. There is a box underneath my bed with some clothes I have just been sent, find something out of there.' Sam gives in whilst she is doing her makeup.'Thank you.'
I pull out the box and start looking through it. Hold on a second, what did she just say? 'Wait a minute George doesn't fancy me. He barely even knows me, like we met today.' I pull out a white one shoulder sequinned body-con dress. 'Believe me, I have known him a lot longer than you and didn't you see him bumbling about awkwardly when he was here?'
'No he was not like that at all.' I go into the closet and pause. No way can someone fancy someone in that amount of time, however my eyes are drifting towards my underwear drawer. What if this is a sign that I shouldn't pursue Matthew? I open the drawer and take out a box from Victoria's Secret.
In fact I am going to be an empowering woman and not think about guys tonight at all. In fact I am going to wear this black lace underwear set as a power move that I won't go anywhere near any guys.

Fireflies and Secrets
Teen Fiction'Everyone loves a love triangle, don't they?' Quirky Evelyn Cartwright thought moving to the quaint town of Saffron Hollow would be an easy fresh start. But when she meets her roommate, the local celebrity Samantha Firefly and her brooding older bro...