This time I wake up early to see Sam and Lyndon sleeping in Sam's bed. I don't remember him being there but whatever. I wonder if those two are actually together though. Evie don't get involved in other people's business when you have your own problems to deal with. Oh my god! I just called myself Evie! To be honest, I was sort of hoping my feelings towards Matthew would have magically changed but no that has just confirmed the contrary.
On my timetable it says to wear comfortable clothing so I walk into my closet. I'll go for a pair of black leggings and a pale pink over sized t-shirt with my now signature white trainers. At least it isn't as bad as yesterday's outfit although it feels a little dull compared to it. On the other hand I think some dullness might help my case.
As I am putting essentials into my bag, I see Lyndon exit our room and Lucy goes into her closet. 'See you later, Sam.' I call out to her before I leave our room. The dance studio is a mirrored room and there are a lot of women inside that look almost identical to me. Knew I should've been less dull.
A Ken doll-looking man only dressed in black. 'My name is Christian and I will be your choreographer/dance instructor for this year. Now, this year the school is hosting a talent show in a month and I want you to participate in two teams.' How is anyone to supposed to perfect a dance routine in a month?
Christian splits the class into two groups of ten. 'Okay, you guys will have to come up with the dance yourselves and I will grade you individually. Anyway, today you guys are going to do a little dance fight to show me what you're made of.' He smiles enthusiastically.
'What is a dance fight?' A girl from the other group nervously asked. Luckily I was wondering the exact same thing. 'A dance fight is when you groups choreograph routines and dance against each other. Sorry I thought you knew.' You know this guy is not giving us the best first impression to us, or at least to me.
The group of girls I am in gesture for everyone to get in a group huddle. 'Okay so does anyone have any ideas for this dance fight?' One of the girls pipes up and another goes 'I have one. Let me show you.' The girl (who's platinum blonde hair is in chignon) starts doing a pique turn before finishing with a fan kick. 'I have another idea to add to yours.' I find the courage to say.
I take a deep breath,then perform a Grand Jete and end the move with landing in the splits. The platinum blonde girl pats me on the shoulder and remarks 'Well done, we'll use it.'

Fireflies and Secrets
Teen Fiction'Everyone loves a love triangle, don't they?' Quirky Evelyn Cartwright thought moving to the quaint town of Saffron Hollow would be an easy fresh start. But when she meets her roommate, the local celebrity Samantha Firefly and her brooding older bro...