'After all that I still have no idea what to do about George.' I find myself saying and looking up to Sam applying more makeup to her already perfect face. If I was Sam, I would barely have any makeup on because her features already make her attractive enough. 'Just do what I do. Don't commit to anything and make that decision when you're ready.' Sam informs me and you know what, that makes sense. 'Anyway, I am going so see you later.' She picks up her leather bag and exits our room. Hmm, what do I do now?
Considering I have almost finished my English work, I should probably get started on dance but that does mean talking to George. Well getting good grades is more important so I'll message him. I pick up my phone and tell him to come to my room. I take out my notebook from the last time he was here, there is barely any writing. What a surprise, I guess both of our minds were a little distracted. Why did I sleep with him? You idiot, you have made life ten times more complicated that it already is.A sharp knocking on the door pulls me out of my mildly catatonic state so I open the door to see George with a small bouquet of flowers with a red ribbon attached to them. 'Hi George, come on in.' I awkwardly welcome him into the room. Why did he have to get me flowers? I bet it was just because I couldn't say no to his handsome face. Oh my god, stay calm.
'These are for you, I saw them and just thought your room would be the perfect place for them.' Aww, that's so sweet and nice. He passes me the plum flowers to me so I lightly lay them on my desk. 'Thank you.' I kiss him on the cheek. Not too much but not disrespectful, a good middle ground for awkward situations. 'Yeah they are Chrysanthemums, they are made up of composites which means that their flower heads are made up of tiny individual flowers. The flowering parts of chrysanthemums are made up of disk and ray florets.Disk florets are tiny flowers located at the center of the bloom; ray florets are the showier flowers on the perimeter (what we view as the petals). The ray florets are considered imperfect flowers, as they only possess the female productive organs, while the disk florets are considered perfect flowers as they possess both male and female reproductive organs.' That was probably the only way he could have ruined that moment, Sam wasn't wrong about the dullness.
'Let's get started with this dance we have to do then.' I sit down on my bed and George perches opposite me. 'Okay, I was thinking about what song we should dance to and I have an idea but promise you won't laugh.' What is he going to suggest? Rasputin or something?
'Go ahead.' I smile at him, don't laugh. I know the human instinct is to laugh but please don't.
'What about...Candyman by Christina Aguilera?' Oh that wasn't what I was expecting. Pleasantly surprised seems to be my new favorite emotion at the moment. I suppose it does sum up what this place is doing to me. Maybe I should stop assuming the worst of this place and its inhabitants. I don't know we'll have to wait and see. 'I like it.'

Fireflies and Secrets
Teen Fiction'Everyone loves a love triangle, don't they?' Quirky Evelyn Cartwright thought moving to the quaint town of Saffron Hollow would be an easy fresh start. But when she meets her roommate, the local celebrity Samantha Firefly and her brooding older bro...