David Samford(Sakuma Jirou)

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⚠️Warning Heartbreaker(Angst)⚠️
Cheater David Samford x suicidal Reader
[Y/N]=Your Name
[R/G/N]=Random Girl Name
Jude Sharp=Kidou Yuuto
Joseph King=Genda Koujirou
Caleb Stonewall=Fudou Akio
Royal Academy=Teikoku Gakuen
I don't own Inazuma Eleven or you,just the plot of this story

{[Y/N]'s POV}
I was walking to my school,Royal Academy,with a box of chocolates in my hand. Today was the two-year anniversary of my relationship with the forward of the Royal Academy soccer team. I walked down to the field where the team was training. "Hey guys?" I asked. "Do you know where David is?" Caleb,a midfielder,looked up from where he sat on the bench. "He's in the classroom but I wouldn't go in there if I were you." The boy said. I tilted my head confused and ran off to the room. When I got there,I instantly regretted it. David was there with my bully,[R/G/N],and they were kissing. More than that,[R/G/N]'s upper body was nude and David was kissing her neck. "What,David?" I said as I started to tear up. "I tried to tell you." A voice spoke softly. I turned to the voice and found Caleb,Jude and Joseph standing there. "I thought he loved me." I sobbed as Joseph pulled me into his arms. "It's okay we're here for you." Jude said as he and Caleb joined the hug. "I'm going home. If anyone asked for me tell them I'm sick." I said as we separated. The three boys nodded softly as I glanced one last time into the room where the cheater was at.
{Caleb's POV}
I growled as I stood up. "What the hell?!" I whispered-yelled,not wanting to alert David. Jude and Joseph also stood up as we walked back to the field. "He's a cheating idiot for leaving [Y/N] for that slut." Jude growled. Joseph just nodded at the male. "What you not talkin'?" I asked the goalkeeper. The boy glanced at me and I saw the hatred in his eyes. If he spoke,the whole school would know about what happened in a matter of seconds. I nodded softly as he turned away.
{[Y/N]'s POV}
After I walked into my house, I broke down crying. "Why David why?!?" I sobbed. I plopped down on the couch and just cried my heart out. It seemed like forever before I finally stopped. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick message to the three boys who had tried to help me. Thankfully David wasn't in the group chat with us,so only Caleb,Jude, and Joseph would see the message. "It's time." I said before I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife off the counter and smiled,my mind went to memories of the times I spent with the four boys. A single tear slipped from my eye before I plunged the knife into my heart.
{David's POV}
After I give myself to [R/G/N] we cleaned up and I smiled softly. "Later [R/G/N]." I told her. She giggled softly and left the room. I,myself,made my way to the soccer field. "Hey guys." I said as I sat down on the bench beside Jude. The boy growled at me and walked away. "Okay. What's wrong with him?" I asked. "What's wrong with him?!?!" Joseph yelled. I filched at the sudden shout. "YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK AFTER YOU F***ING DID IT WITH ANOTHER GIRL AND CHEATED ON [Y/N]!" The goalkeeper shouted. I was stunned by the action,especially when the boy never cussed in his life. "She saw you with that other girl." Caleb said. "And now she's gone." Jude said as he showed me his phone.

'To Caleb,Jude, and Joseph, I'm sorry about all this but I can't live in a world where David and I are not together. After I saw him and [R/G/N], I realized that I was not meant for this world. I'm sorry and good bye.

I gasped at the last line. "Forever." I muttered softly before I bolted away. "Please let me be wrong." I said as I pulled her spare keys out of the plant beside her door. "[Y/N]?" I called out. The others had followed me and were now searching the house for the sweet and innocent girl. "[Y/N],Noooooo!" Joseph's voice rang out from the kitchen. With Caleb and Jude behind me,we ran to the room. There,laying half on the ground,half in Joseph's arms with a knife in her heart,was a dead [Y/N]. "Oh my god." Caleb gasped. He pushed me aside as he walked into the kitchen. Joseph traded her from his arms to Caleb as he stood up. "YOU!" He yelled. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT,BECAUSE OF YOU [Y/N] IS DEAD." I choked back a sob as Jude pushed me out of the house. "GET OUT OF HERE WE NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" The usually quiet male yelled before slamming the door in my face.
{Caleb's POV}
After Joseph handed the dead girl to me, I heard him and Jude yelling at David for causing her death. I couldn't blame them,after all the forward had promised her he would always be there for her. "It ain't fair you died too young like a story that had just begun,but death tore the pages all away. God knows how I miss you,all the hell I've been through just knowing no one can take your place. Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today." I sang softly as Jude and Joseph joined me with [Y/N]. "Kenny Chesney's Who You'd Be Today." Jude whispered softly. "Her favorite." Joseph said. I smiled softly as the keeper called an ambulance. "Good bye forever young Angel Heart. You will never be forgotten." We said as we placed a hand over [Y/N]'s heart before she was taken away forever.

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