Chapter Six

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I tried to focus on my work, but my heart just wasn't into it. I couldn't quit kicking myself for trying to make a move on Jake. I wasn't sure what had come over me. Never in a million years would I normally make the first move. There was just something about Jake that made me feel more daring when I was with him. Of course the one time I tried to take initiative in the dating department, I would spook the guy.

I sighed as I pulled up my Zillow account. As much as I didn't want to, I would have to get another house pretty soon. I would love to create a design like I did with my first home, but that would take too long to construct, and I couldn't live in a hotel forever. Besides, I wasn't sure I could handle another loss like the last one. I didn't want to get attached to another house and risk it burning to ash again.

The worst part of being an architect was being overly critical of other people's work. Though I searched for hours, none of the houses I found online spoke to me. I didn't want a normal, cookie-cutter home. I wanted something original, something that screened "unique". But unless you build it yourself, ordinary was all you would get in this region of the country.

I closed my laptop in frustration. It was late, just after two o'clock in the morning. My eyelids were heavy, and I knew I should probably go to bed, but I couldn't bear the idea of being afflicted with the nightmares.

Instead, I started scrolling through Instagram to distract myself from my exhaustion. As I got lost in photos of adorable babies and hilarious cats, my phone buzzed, and an alert appeared on my home screen. It was a text message... from Jake. I sat up and pressed the text icon as quickly as my fingers would allow.

Cat, it's Jake. Are you awake? The message read.

Yes, I texted back quickly.  My leg shook impatiently as I waited for a response. The three dots of the text message screen appeared and sent nervous butterflies fluttering through my body.

Trouble sleeping? He asked.

Always. What about you? I replied.

I can't sleep either. Want to meet up? I found the urge to squeal like a schoolgirl.

I'd love that, I responded, a large smile plastered to my face.

Okay. Pick you up in a few.

I texted him the room number and was on my feet within a second. Harley sat up, looking around for signs of danger. Content that nothing was wrong and that I was just crazy, he groaned and went back to sleep.

I was far too excited about seeing Jake again. My fatigue was long forgotten, and I started to feel wired. I couldn't believe that Jake wanted to meet up, even after my awkwardness that afternoon. I thought he would never want to speak to me again, let alone ask me to hang out.

Twenty minutes later, I was dressed and waiting anxiously for Jake to arrive. When I heard a knock on my door, I bounded to my feet and opened it so quickly, Jake's eyes widened with surprise.

Stupid... I reprimanded myself, as my cheeks filled with warmth.

"Hey, Cat," Jake said with a brilliant half-smile. Hearing my name on his lips set my nerves on edge. "Oh, is this Harley?" he asked, nodding his head toward the Australian Shepard wagging his tail profusely behind me.

"That's my boy," I smiled. "I think he remembers you."

I smirked as Harley forced his way past me to greet our guest. His whole body shook with excitement as he licked Jake's hand. Jake gave a playful laugh, his smile widening even further as he rubbed behind Harley's ears. The sight made my heart melt.

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