Chapter Thirteen

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After coming to terms with our relationship, the room felt much friendlier.

Jake walked over to the computer desk and peered over my shoulder.

"Are those your designs?" he asked, his mouth open in awe.

I fought the urge to close the laptop, feeling self-conscious as he looked through my latest project. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I didn't typically share my work with anyone until it was complete.

"My God, Cat... you're very good at your job. These buildings are amazing," he said, bending down and clicking through the pictures on the screen. His eyes were wide, thoroughly impressed as he mumbled on and on about how talented I was.

But I could hardly focus on a word Jake was saying; I was too distracted by the fact that he was only a few inches away from me, leaning over the back of the computer chair. I could smell his aftershave invading my nostrils, mixed with the aroma of fire smoke that seemed to permanently linger on his skin. It nearly sent me into a frenzy. It was all I could do not to take a deep breath so I could inhale the fragrance.

There was just a faint amount of stubble on his cheek, and I have the random yearning to feel it against my inner thigh. My groin tightened at the idea, and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning aloud. I was hyperaware of the fact that his lips were so close to mine. I would hardly have to move to press my mouth to his...

Stop it, Cat, I chastised myself. Jake had explained not even five minutes ago how difficult it was for him to sleep with me, and I was already lusting after him once again.

Contrite as I was, I still couldn't help the yearning that I felt for Jake. It was as if there was some insatiable sex demon that took over my body when he was nearby. My rational thinking took a backseat; all I wanted was to feel his body on mine, the consequences be damned.

I caught Jake's eye through my lashes. His breathing caught as he noticed me staring longingly at him, biting my bottom lip. I saw the transition in his brown irises as the flames ignited once again, and his cheeks filled with a soft rose hue. If he was still feeling regret about our previous sexual interaction, he didn't let it show.

"Cat... I know what you're thinking. But we shouldn't," he said, his voice thick with desire.

"Why shouldn't we?" I asked, getting to my feet.

All I could think about was his mouth on mine. I took a step forward, but he stepped away, trying to keep his distance.

"I've told you I'm no good for you, Cat. You should know what it feels like to love and be loved. That's something I can't give right now, and it wouldn't be fair of me to mislead you along this way," he repeated, pushing me away gently. 

But I refused to be subdued. I closed the distance between us, pressing my hips against him until the only thing that separated us was two thin layers of clothing. I placed my index finger against his lips to quiet him. His biceps constricted at my touch.

"No more talking," I said. "I told you that I'm okay without commitment if that's what it takes to have you in my life. I don't want more from you than that, Jake. In fact, the only thing that I want right now is to feel your body on mine," I whispered in his ear.

"Cat, we shouldn't do this," he murmured again, but there was no authority left in his voice. "I can't control myself when I'm around you."

"Then don't," I said, leaning forward and touching my lips to his neck.

This seemed to push him over the edge, and his hindrances were quickly forgotten. With a groan, he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I felt fire ignite in my belly as his lips met mine with urgency.

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