Chapter Eighteen

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My eyes widened with surprise. The idea of Jake pleasing me here and now, in a public setting where anyone could walk in, sent a tingle down my spine. The thrill of being caught made me even more aroused. 

But before we could follow through on the suggestion, a maroon car pulled up outside the station and honked its horn. I sighed, wishing for the first time in my life that the Lyft driver wasn't so prompt.

"Another time then," Jake whispered in my ear.

His warm breath on my neck nearly made me whimper. I liked drunk Jake. He was flirtatious and frisky.

We scooted as close to one another as humanly possible in the dark confines of the car's backseat. Jake's hands were on my body the entire ride home, causing me to giggle like a schoolgirl. We were like hormonal teenagers who couldn't get enough of one another.

I hoped that the Lyft driver wouldn't notice our public display of affection, but I hardly noticed the driver was even there. I had to constantly remind myself that we weren't alone in the car, to fight the urge to crawl onto Jake's lap and fulfill the need that had begun building inside of me.

"I can't wait to get you out of this dress," Jake whispered, nibbling on my earlobe.

His words caused my groin to tingle. I clenched my legs together to ease the discomfort, causing Jake to smirk with pleasure. He enjoyed taunting me, but two could play that game.

As discreetly as I could manage, I allowed my hand to rest gently on his upper thigh, just inches from his most intimate area. I didn't touch him there, but I didn't need to. Just the idea of my hand on his leg was enough to make Jake's body react.

A smile formed on my face as his member prodded subtly against the material of his pants. I felt a surge of self-confidence knowing that I could make this handsome man want me as much as I wanted him.  

True to his word, the moment we are through the threshold of the bedroom door, Jake was busy unzipping my dress. Within seconds, the fabric fell in a heap on the floor. Jake's eyes widened when I was left standing in my black, lacey bra and thong. I was thankful Mariana had convinced me to buy nicer lingerie.

But even in the new undergarments, I felt the need to cover my nakedness. Jake furrowed his eyes and moved my hands gently aside so he could see me. I didn't realize that my face was facing the ground, shameful, until Jake's tender hands touched my face. He lifted my chin so that I had no choice but to look him in the eye.

"Catalina De la Rosa, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" He murmured, his eyes raking in every inch of my body. "You should never feel embarrassed about your body. You are perfect."

Jake leaned down, allowing his mouth to touch mine in a soft, slow kiss. I could feel the desire and need in the exchange. He pulled away to look at me, and my favorite half-smile formed on his lips.

Jake reached up and moved a loose strand of hair from my face, tucking it gently behind my ear. His thumb lingered just above my chin, caressing my cheek tenderly, before kissing it. His lips left the tingle of fire in their wake as they moved slowly down my jawline. Jake took my earlobe into his mouth and gave a gentle tug, causing me to moan.

"I need you, Cat," he whispered, his words so soft I could barely make them out.

Whether Jake meant that he needed me sexually or that he needed me in his life, I wasn't sure. Regardless, his words increased my longing, and I pulled him earnestly toward me.

Jake pressed my back against the cool, bedroom wall, pinning me to it with his hips. His gentle fingers trailed down my body, finding their way to my inner thighs. I sighed at his proximately, fighting the urge to thrust my sex further in his hand as he cupped it around me.

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