Chapter Twenty-Six

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After dinner, Jake and I decided to prolong the date by going to a movie. We sat in the uppermost row of the theater, snacking on concession foods as we waited for the film to begin.

I felt lighthearted after my revelation at dinner, so light that I was surprised that my feet were still grounded. I was lost in fits of giggles as I tossed popcorn kernels at Jake's mouth, only for him to miss each piece. 

As the lights dimmed and the credits rolled for the rom-com, I felt a shift in the environment. I could sense Jake's proximity in the dark theater, so close that I could easily reach out and touch him. I was no longer the carefree person who was full of laughter just moments ago, but a woman who had a desire that could only be fulfilled in one way. As my groin tightened with want, I longed to close the distance between me and the man I wanted more than I had ever wanted anyone else. From the corner of my eyes, I could tell that he had the same dilemma.

Jake stretched his arm, and nonchalantly placed his hand on the bare skin of my knee where my dress and boots didn't meet. I smirked at the not-so-smooth gesture that was straight from a corny television show. Despite the clichéd move, the feeling of his skin against mine sent tingles through my body.

I tried to pay attention to the screen, but all I could focus on was Jake's hand on my leg. As the movie progressed, I could no longer focus on what the actors were saying because the only thing on my mind was my hunger, and not for concession snacks.

I peaked at Jake through my peripherals. Though his eyes were trained on the screen ahead, I could tell that he was paying as little attention to the movie as I was.

Even though I had been wanting to see this movie for weeks, my anticipation for the film was tossed out the window and replaced by a different kind of yearning. Adrenaline pulsed through my veins. My breathing quickened as Jake's touch seemed to burn a hole in my skin.

Finally, I couldn't curb my anxiousness any longer.

It felt as if someone far more daring and salacious, inhibited my body, as I grabbed Jake's hand and glided it slowly up my leg. I could hear the exhale from Jake's mouth. He let out a deep hiss as I continued moving his hand up my inner thigh. He looked at me with surprise, his brown eyes fuming, just as I was certain that mine were.

My inhibitions warned me that we shouldn't be doing this, that it was careless to be so rash in a public setting where anyone could see. But my inner sexual goddess thrived on the danger. The dark theater seemed to make me even more heated. At that moment, I didn't care where we were or who might see; I just wanted to feel Jake inside of me. 

Unable to resist him any further, I directed his fingers to my private area, placing the tub of popcorn in my lap to make things more discreet. Jake looked at me as if he was seeing me clearly for the first time. His eyes were questioning, and I gave him a nod to let him know it was okay.

The corners of Jake's mouth turned up in a mischievous grin, as fingers got lost under the folds of my skirt. They wandered blindly, until they found my satin panties, and slid beneath the fabric. He caressed my clit gently, making small circles with his fingers. I audibly sighed, and Jake lifted the index of his free hand to his lips, smiling as he urged me to keep quiet.

Sensing my pleasure, Jake picked up the pace, rubbing his fingers around the circumference of my sweet spot. It was difficult to stifle the moans that threatened to escape my lips as Jake's fingers sent me into a state of bliss. I wanted to call out his name, as his divine fingers sent me to nirvana, but I bit my inner jaw instead, surprised when my mouth filled with blood. I hardly noticed the pain, though, because I was too busy coming at Jake's hand.

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