Chapter Sixteen

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The cold shower eased my raw emotions and helped to clear my mind. But the lucidity lasted only for a moment because when I came out of the bathroom, I spotted Jake lounging on the bed in nothing but his boxers.

His bronzed abs popped as he leaned on his side. He had one leg was bent, arched just enough to show the outlining bulge in his briefs. It wasn't meant to be a seductive pose, but Jake was naturally sexy. It didn't take long before my mind was muddled once again.

Jake had a novel open across the bed. He was so engrossed in the pages that he didn't hear me when I entered the room. He didn't notice my eyes watching him appreciatively, as they used this rare opportunity to really take in his attractiveness.

Despite my trepidations about Jake's career fighting fires, the physical exertion of the job had helped tone his body better than free weights ever could. I found myself longing to run my tongue along the curve of each of his muscles. What I wouldn't give to have him inside of me right now. 

Mind over matter, I told myself, clenching my thighs together.

Jake and I needed to discuss what had happened, and we couldn't do that if we were messing around beneath the sheets. I had taken a firm stance, and I intended to stand my ground.

But suddenly, my view on the matter seemed silly. Sure, Jake could have been gravely injured- but he wasn't. His job could be hazardous at times, but that was beyond his control, so why should I be angry at Jake for something he couldn't change? I should be thankful for every moment I had with him, not dwelling on the things that might happen.

The notion that Jake could have died was terrifying, but it no longer made my stomach want to heave. Instead, it made me realize how fortunate I was to have this man in my life. I couldn't spend my time worrying about what dangers Jake might face each day. I had to start living in the moment because we never know what tomorrow might bring.

At that moment, I realized why Jake was so good at his job- the wildfires were no match for him. He fought fire with fire, for he was as ferocious as any blaze could be. There was no need for me to worry about him, for the meager flames he met each day were no threat compared to the danger that was Jake Lucero.  

Staring at Jake's handsome features made it hard for me to think straight. The need in my sex was like a magnet, pulling me toward him against my will. Desire coursed through my body, consuming me, skewing my discernment.

To hell with it, I thought, ignoring my inhibitions and giving in to the burning inside me.

I unwrapped my satin robe and allowed it to fall in a heap on the floor, leaving me standing in only my undergarments. The fire inside of me served as my fuel, as I sashayed across the room and crawled slowly onto the bed.

Jake's eyes widened as he took in my nearly naked body, shock on his face. Ten minutes ago I had been pushing him away, and now I was lusting after him. He must have thought I was crazy.  

"Cat, what the..." he started, but I silenced him with my lips pressed firmly against his.

He paused for a moment, unsure what had possessed me. But it didn't take long before he was kissing me back. He rolled onto his back, his lips never leaving mine. I spread my legs, straddling atop his muscular body.

He pulled me passionately against him, deepening the kiss. Jake's kisses trailed down my neck and to the top of my chest. He ran his thumb against the lacey outline of my bra before unclasping it, allowing my breasts to tumble out. He let out a soft hiss of appreciation, making me squirm with insatiable need. His lips closed around my swollen areolas, and I felt my nipples harden against the gentle tug of his teeth.

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