Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Let's get out of here," Jake murmured, the innuendo in his words not lost on me.

The ride back to Chico was quiet, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The last few weeks had been full of ups and downs, but I was flying high knowing that Jake loved me. I had never been as happy as I was at that moment. I found myself eager to be back in the comfort of our home, with the man that I loved.

When we got back to the house, Jake went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. He poured me a glass and I took a deep drink, allowing the rich, fruity flavor to fill my mouth. It sent warmth coursing through my body, and with it, a sense of confidence. 

As the alcohol worked its magic, we found ourselves laughing, and dancing erratically to the rhythms of Kendrick Lamar. But when the song changed to Miguel's "Sure Thing", the laughter stopped. Our smiles faded as we looked deeply into each other's eyes.

Jake held out his hand and I put mine in it, as he twirled me gracefully into his arms. He pulled me close, his hands wrapped around my waist as we swayed to the rhythm of the song.

Jake sighed. "I could stay like this forever," he murmured in my ear, his words causing my heart to skip a beat. 

"So could I," I smiled. "Thank you for today. It was a magical first date."

I took a step forward, closing the small distance between us. I cupped his face with my hand, caressing his cheekbone gently with my thumb as the cadences of the song crooned in the background. His skin was soft, save for the stubble of a beard that was just starting to form. Jake basked in my touch, leaning his cheek into the palm of my hand and closing his eyes.

My hand was still pressed against his face when he leaned in and touched his lips to mine. When Jake pulled away and opened his eyes, they were smoldering. I had seen this look before, but this time was different. His eyes were more intense, the passion burning beneath the color of his brown irises.

I felt the tingle in my abdomen, reciprocating his desire. I wasn't sure what was on his mind but I suspected it was similar to my own thoughts, which involved both of us naked beneath his sheets. I blushed at the mental image, hoping that Jake didn't notice.

Our lips met again as Jake planted his warm lips forcefully on mine. There was nothing sweet and gentle about the interaction. This kiss was full of longing and need, the lustful passion spreading fiercely like a fire uncontained. Our thirst for one another was nearly tangible.

Jake's lips left mine and began slowly kissing my neck. I felt my body ignite under his touch, his mouth leaving my skin tingling with each touch. His hands wandered from my hips to my butt. He squeezed my cheeks as he pulled me closer to him.

It intensified my yearning to know he wanted me. I began to gyrate against him; the friction of our bodies massaging against one another felt delightful. Jake must have enjoyed the feeling too because I felt the familiar bulge of his pants against my leg. A groan escaped his lips, and he tilted his head back in pleasure.

Unable to make it to the bedroom, Jake cleared off the kitchen bar in a rush, causing the wine glasses to topple over and sending the pink liquid sprawling across the floor. But he hardly noticed the mess he had made because at that moment he only had eyes for me.

Jake placed his hands on my shoulders and pressed me backward until I was lying flat on the kitchen bar, my legs dangling over the edge. He kissed every inch of my body, his lips trailing from my mouth, down my neck, to my breasts, kissing each one gently.

A naughty look crossed his face as his brown eyes locked with mine. Then he hiked up my skirt, causing me to gasp in surprise as his head disappeared beneath the pink fabric. I barely had time to comprehend what he was about to do when his sultry tongue touched my clit, sending shudders through my body. I moaned as the warmth of his mouth as did its work. His tongue moved with tantalizing slowness, circling unhurriedly as he prolonged my torment.

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