Red Trailer

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   A shattered full moon shines behind a young girl wearing a beautiful rose red hood and cloak, the cape constantly producing dozens of red rose petals flying into the gentle wind. She was standing in front of an altar which showed a white rose symbol and the words "Summer Rose - Thus Kindly I Scatter".

   The young girl soon walked away and entered a snowy forest. As she continued walking through the forest, a bunch of shadows blurred through the forest. The girl surprisingly, was unfazed and continued walking into a clearing in the forest. The shadows ran into the clearing, the moon illuminating their true form.

   A humanoid wolf walking on two legs with fur as black as the night and a white mask with red markings on it along with eyes as yellow as the sun. These creatures are called Beowolves.

   This Beowolves are a type of Grimm, creatures born from darkness which have one goal–the total destruction of all living things

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   This Beowolves are a type of Grimm, creatures born from darkness which have one goal–the total destruction of all living things. Three Beowolves rushed towards the girl and jumped, swiping their sharp claws which can easily cut through steel. However, the girl immediately disappeared in a swish of rose petals, causing the Beowolves to miss and crash into the ground. They looked up and saw the girl, whose figure was outlined by the moon.

   The hood falled back to the girl's head, revealing her face. She had beautiful silver eyes and her hair was black with red tips. Her face looked young and innocent, probably around 15 years old but her eyes had the look of a warrior who lived their entire life in battle. Her name...was Ruby Rose.

   She pulled out from behind her back a red-colored rifle and fired it at the nearest Beowolf, blowing its head into smithereens and causing a red mist coming out from what was once its head

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   She pulled out from behind her back a red-colored rifle and fired it at the nearest Beowolf, blowing its head into smithereens and causing a red mist coming out from what was once its head.

   More Beowolves began charging towards Ruby the moment she landed on the ground. She leaped over the first Beowolf and shoots it at its back, then, while still in the air, shoots another one in the side then gets into a position where she shoots a third one in the center. She immediately rolls back and stand, unfolding her rifle, 'Crescent Rose' in its larger - and deadlier - scythe form.

   This caused some of the Beowolves to be intimidated but one of the braver Beowolves goes forward but Ruby spun around, causing the blade to be hooked onto the Beowolf's mid-section

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   This caused some of the Beowolves to be intimidated but one of the braver Beowolves goes forward but Ruby spun around, causing the blade to be hooked onto the Beowolf's mid-section. She smiled and fired the sniper section of her scythe, severing the Beowolf in half amid in a shower of roses. The moment the two halves of the Beowolf landed, still bleeding roses, the rest of the pack charged towards the the little girl.

   Ruby then rotates her scythe and unloads the spent bullet before stabbing the blade to the ground. She then continuesly fired a storm of bullets at the Beowolves until one of them nearly swipes her feet but she narrowly dodges then she stabs the blade even deeper into the ground as more Beowolves charged towards her from the forest.

   One of them almost got her with its claws but she dodges out of the way and shoots it, causing the weapon and its wielder to spin and she kicks one behind her. She twirls her scythe cutting down Beowolves from left to right before she hooks one onto her blade and fired at an approaching Beowolf, killing both of them. One by being shot while the other was bisected.

   Ruby then jumps and twirls her scythe around, killing another Beowolf while hooking the blade onto another one's neck. She then fired, beheading it while using the recoil to fly upwards. Two Beowolves followed suit but she shoots her way down and sliced them to bits before instinctively blocking a strike from a Beowolf during her descent to the ground. This pushed her back but fortunately, she quickly slowed down as she stared at all the Beowolves left.

   Then, Ruby unloads her used cartridge then inserts one filled with Gravity Dust, energy used in the world of Remnant, loads it up and fired, blasting off at a higher speed than before, coming towards the dumbfounded Beowolves like a rocket. She then started swinging her scythe left and right, leaving rose petals, bullets and Beowolves parts everywhere in her wake. She soon jumps and kills the last one before landing and striking a pose with her scythe handing behind her back as used bullet casings rain from the sky.

   As she turned around and began walking back into the forest, three Beowolves suddenly jumped out and caught her by surprise. Before she could even react, a volley of bullets suddenly rain down, killing the Beowolves before they even had the chance to strike her. They soon fall down dead, their corpses turning into dust. Ruby turned towards where the bullets came from only to see the person who fired them quickly ran away before she could see their face and thanked them. She soon shrugged it off and walked back.

   As she was walking down the path, another person was walking towards the opposite direction of where she was earlier. It was a boy wearing a grey hooded jacket with fur linings on the head and wrist sections on the jacket, a black collared shirt, black jeans and black and white shoes. He was also wearing a grey diamond shaped necklace, each of the 4 sections have the colors red, white, black and yellow respectively. She couldn't see the face as the hood was hiding most of his features except for the small scar across his nose. She and the boy simply walked past one another without sharing a glance as they walked their separate paths.

   Little did Ruby know that he was the one who saved her earlier and their destinies along with three others were about to intertwined and soon, she will meet him again.

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