Chapter 7 : First Day Of Class

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3rd Person P.O.V.

   After the formation of the teams, the newly formed Team RWBY+Y/n or Team RWBYY with two Y's for short were heading towards their dorm. Y/n couldn't believe it. His dream of becoming a Huntsman, a real Huntsman was becoming a reality. He also couldn't believe that he was on a team filled with girls. Not that he's complaining.

   Right now, Ruby couldn't stop talking about how awesome his weapon was, Weiss couldn't believe she was upstaged by two people younger than her although she tolerated Y/n. But she was still shocked that she was silent all the way. Blake was too, although she was a little too focused on her book. Yang? Well, she was busy clinging onto his arm while trying to tease him.

Yang: "I still can't believe that we're all in the same team. Not to mention that we have a cute guy on our team."

Ruby: "Yeah! I still can't believe that you're in the same team as us, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Hey, I was shocked too. Although I didn't have the time to because some people tackled me to the ground."

Ruby: "Ehehe. Sorry."

Yang: "Don't lie, Y/n. *smirk* I know you like it. Two young, beautiful girls hugging you. Who wouldn't get a little...'excited'?"

Y/n: "*blushing* A-ah, w-well um..."

Yang: "*laughing* I'm just kidding! Seriously, you're so weird."

Y/n: "Hey! I'm not weird! ...Am I?"

Yang: "Come on, Y/n. Lighten up. Are you really that bad around girls?"

Y/n: "*looks away* N-no..."

Yang: "*smirks* Yeah, you're not fooling anyone, mister. Oh, man. Teasing you is gonna be more fun and easier than I thought..."

   She walked ahead of the rest as she swayed her hips from side to side. Ruby noticed that her sister was acting really strange. She was flirty towards guys but not that flirty. She had a policy. Any guy that caught Yang's attention will only be teased once. Only once. But she teased Y/n so many times not to mention that she was always close to him and cling onto his arm. Yang has never shown this kind of behavior before. It was new to Ruby. Suddenly, it clicked to her.

Ruby: 'No way! No way! No way! Could Yang be in love with Y/n!? Oh my Oum! My big sister has fallen in love. *squealing* With my first friend here at Beacon. But....why do I feel happy and sad at the same time? My heart does feel a little heavy when I'm around him. Am I...sick? Have I eaten too much cookies again? ...No way. There's no such thing as enough cookies.'

   As Ruby was busy dealing with her thoughts, Y/n placed a hand on her shoulder, startling her for a moment. She blushed for a bit and turned and faced him.

Y/n: "You okay, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Huh!? O-oh, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry."

Y/n: "You sure?"

Ruby: "Like I said, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me."

Y/n: "No problem."

Yang: "Hey, guys!"

   The four of them saw Yang waving in front of them. She was standing next to a door.

Yang: "I think I found our room!"

   The five of them opened the door and entered a room. Inside there was a bookcase, a bathroom, a closet for storage and naturally, beds for them to sleep on. When Y/n saw the fifth bed, he gave out a sigh of relief.

Y/n: "Thank you, Ozpin! For a second there, I thought I was gonna sleep on the floor again."

Yang: "Well, if there wasn't an extra bed, *smirks* I don't mind sharing a bed with you~"

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