Epilogue : Virtuous Sin

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   After the little incident with Blake, Y/n was currently walking back towards his dorm. His mind was currently deep in many thoughts. What happened to Shin, how's the others are doing and most important of all, Blake. He was constantly repeating what had happened between him and her on the docks and how both of them were close to...

Y/n: '*smacks his cheeks* Snap out of it! You can replay how your friend almost kissed you later. Right now, I've gotta check if the others are alright.'

   After he arrived at his dorm, Y/n opened the door to the room. He heard footsteps running towards it and saw Ruby and Yang. They both were expecting Blake to come back but it wasn't. They were slightly disappointed but they were happy to see him regardless.

Yang: "Where have you been? Did you finished meeting with that old friend of yours?"

Y/n: "Yeah... You'll be surprised..."

Ruby: "Y/n, I'm sorry. Blake and Weiss had a huge fight and she-"

Y/n: "I know, Ruby."

Ruby: "Wait, what?"

   Hearing his words, Weiss immediately stomped towards him as she was still upset from earlier.

Weiss: "Did I hear that right!? You knew that she was a member of those atrocious White Fang people all along!?"

Y/n: "*shakes his head sideways* No. When I said I know is that I recently heard everything from Blake herself. I saw her running away from the dorm and I gave chase. That's why I was gone for a while."

Yang: "Wait, Blake told you everything?"

Y/n: "Yeah... Everything."

Weiss: "Then, you should understand my concern! We had a criminal under our noses and we have to inform the polic-"

Y/n: "No!!"

   Weiss and the rest were immediately taken aback by Y/n's sudden outburst. Y/n took a deep breath as he looked at Weiss in the eye.

Y/n: "We're not going to look for her tonight nor we are not going to inform the authorities. She hasn't even done anything wrong. For now, we're giving her time for her to think and for you to cool off."

Weiss: "I am perfectly calm, thank you very much! And why are we giving her so much time!? For her to rejoin those White Fang scum!?"

Y/n: "We're not going to judge her based on her past! Not to mention that none of you heard her side of the story. Weiss, I understand why you hate the White Fang but don't forget, your company was one of the main factors why the White Fang rose to infamy."

Weiss: "Wha- How dare you-"

Y/n: "I'm not finished. Blake probably had her reasons for joining. Don't forget, the White Fang was a peaceful organization until things went downhill. And yet, you're already treating her like she's a criminal."

Weiss: "Isn't she!?"

Y/n: "Then, why aren't you treating me like a monster despite being one in the past?"

   Weiss was shocked silent when she heard that. She tried to retort but she knew anything she said will contradict with her earlier statements. In the end, words fail to come out from her mouth.

Y/n: "Figured as much. Anyway, like I said. We don't know what she had done in the past and you don't know what it's like in her shoes. I could guess given that I've faced what she faced so for now, until we find her again, keep your judgment neutral and try seeing things from her perspective. Understand?"

   Y/n waited for Weiss' answer for a while and in the end, she reluctantly agreed.

Weiss: "Fine, whatever. But, you will all agree that she's a criminal. I'm going to bed."

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