Chapter 15 : Cat's Out Of The Bag

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   One morning, Y/n woke up feeling a familiar pressure on his body for some time now. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was an all too familiar sight that he's gotten used to seeing every morning. That same beautiful golden hair. In other words, Yang was sleeping on top of him as always.

Y/n: 'Heh... Man...this will never stop being a sight for sore eyes... Was she always this beautiful whenever she sleeps? Heh, lucky me... Wait, what did Ruby said we're going to do today?'

   Y/n looked around and saw a calender on the table showing today's date was circled with the words 'Vytal Festival' written on it in big, bold letters.

Y/n: 'That's right. The Vytal Festival is coming up. Nearly forgotten about it. And that me and the Team were supposed to hang out today. Jaune and the rest have their own plan for the Festival and I've already gave a report to Ozpin so I guess I got free time today. But, definitely tomorrow I need to clear up my schedule. After all, *looks at Yang* a guy and his girl need to have a date after all.'

   Y/n smiled as he gently stroke her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Unfortunately, this seemed to have stirred her as she started squirming on top of him and began stretching her arms. However, it seemed that she was still half-conscious as her eyes were half-opened when she looked at Y/n's face.

Yang: "*drowsy* *yawn* Morning, Y/n."

Y/n: "Morning. Sorry about waking you up."

Yang: "*drowsy* No problem."

Y/n: "Listen, we got a big day ahead of us today so I really need to use the shower. So...would you mind?"

Yang: "*drowsy* Sure."

   She immediately got off him and slid off the bed as Y/n got up and did some stretches. He saw Yang swaying a bit from left to right.

Yang: "*drowsy* I'm just going to get some extra shut-eye. Okay? Okay. Night. Love you."

   She then got onto the bed and fell face first onto Y/n's pillow as snoring was heard soon after. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his girlfriend's lethargic state. He then walked into the shower and soon, running water was heard.

Yang P.O.V.

   Man, that was a good nap! It's like what they say. Sleeping twice will make the day feel nice. I quickly woke up feeling a little more energized than ever. I quickly heard the shower running from the bathroom. Y/n must be taking a shower by now. I couldn't help but smile as I imagined my life right now.

   I'm in Beacon, my sister and I are in the same team along with two others and I managed to snag a boy that I like as my boyfriend. A handsome boyfriend too. The perfect package. Of course, I'm a bit worried about whether Dad will accept the fact that I'm dating. I mean, this is the first boyfriend I ever had and Dad is a little overprotective of Ruby and me but I have no doubt that he and Y/n will get along well. I don't need to worry about Qrow since Y/n's his apprentice.

   Speaking of Ruby, me and Y/n had a little chat not too long ago about a certain problem that I noticed earlier. Had to admit, the look on his face when I was straight to the point was priceless! Oh, man! I couldn't stop laughing! was really sweet of how he was so adamant on being loyal only to me and I actually wanted to keep him for myself too but I can tell that it'll only hurt the others and it may not be happening now but the friendship I have with the others will crumble in the future. Not to mention that it'll cause Y/n to detach himself from others just so that he won't fall in love with other girls since he's a sweetheart inside and he could fall in love easily.

   Naturally, I've done some convincing, telling him that I've done research on it and that it's legal here on Remnant. Not to mention that I'm the one that wanted this and giving him the green light so in the end, he caved in and agreed to it if the girls don't have anybody else they like except him. Of course I agreed to his terms since it will happen and it was cute of him sulking a bit after that.

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