Chapter 3: Before The Initiation

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   After successfully finding the auditorium, Y/n, Ruby and Jaune entered the giant doors. They looked around and saw a lot of people. Y/n and Ruby soon heard a familiar voice and saw Yang waving at them.

Yang: "*waving* Ruby! Y/n! Over here! I saved you guys a spot!"

Ruby: "Oh! *facing Jaune* Hey, W-we gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!"

   She leaves immediately, joining her rambunctious sister.

Jaune: "Hey, wait! *sighs*Ah, great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?!"

Y/n: "Hey, you'll talk to her soon. Anyway, I gotta go. Catch ya later, bud."

Jaune: "Yeah. See ya, man."

   The two boys exchanged a fist bump before Y/n walked away to join the two sisters. Unknown to both of them, a red-haired girl wearing Spartan armor was watching them, particularly focusing on Jaune. As Y/n walked near them, he could hear what they were saying.

Yang: "So, how's your first day going, little sister?"

Ruby: "You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?"

Yang: "Yikes! Meltdown already?"

Y/n: "Sadly, she's telling the truth."

Yang: "Oh hey, Y/n. Glad to see you again. I miss seeing that cute yet handsome face of yours. *smirk*"

   Y/n immediately knew that Yang was trying to tease him. Unfortunately for her, he was sorts used to her teasing back on the Bullhead. So, he decided to tease her back.

Y/n: "Hehe. Well, I miss seeing that luscious gold hair of yours. It truly is as gold as the Sun."

   Y/n expected her to flirt back but surprisingly, she was blushing and fidgeting a bit.

Yang: "*blushing* O-oh. T-thanks, Y/n. I-it means a lot."

Y/n: "Y-you're welcome."

   She gave a shy yet sincere smile which caused Y/n's heartbeat to increase but it was short-lived as she faced Ruby with a serious face.

Yang: "But, seriously. Did you have a meltdown?"

Ruby: "No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And there was some fire, and I think some ice...?"

Yang: "*smiling broadly* Are you being sarcastic?

Ruby: "Ugh, I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and then she yelled at me again, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me and..."

   Unknown to Ruby, Weiss was standing right behind her, getting madder and madder.

Y/n: "Uh, Ruby?"

Weiss: "YOU!!!"

   Ruby was immediately frightened by the sudden intrusion. She jumped and landed into Y/n's arms.

Ruby: "Oh, Oum, it's happening again!

Weiss: "You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yang: "*deadpan* Oh my Oum, you really exploded."

Y/n: "Hey, Ruby? As much as I love to keep carrying you like this, people are watching, ya know."

   Ruby immediately blushed and quickly got down from his arms.

Ruby: "Ehehe, sorry. *facing Weiss* It was an accident! I swea-uh, what is this?"

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