White Trailer

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  Inside an open castle-shaped theater, a giant crowd of people, most of them were sophisticated aristocrats due to their fancy clothing, were waiting for the show to start. Then, an announcer suddenly spoke up from the speakers.

Announcer (off-screen): "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome.... Weiss Schnee."

   As he said finished, a spotlight suddenly shown down in the middle of the stage. Then, the curtains part away, revealing a young white-haired girl wearing a white dress and with a fading scar on her left eye. This...was Weiss Schnee.

   She then walked towards the stage and into the spotlight as people started clapping while others were taking pictures of her from their stands

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   She then walked towards the stage and into the spotlight as people started clapping while others were taking pictures of her from their stands. A piano begins to play and she closed her eyes and began to sing.

Weiss: "~Mirror, tell me something. Tell me who's the loneliest of all...~"

   While she was singing, a flashback appeared toward when she still didn't have the scar on her eye. She opened her eyes and she saw a giant in full plate armor wielding a large broadsword standing before her. This was an Arma Gigas, a type of Grimm that was born when a Geist, another type of Grimm possess a lump of metal.

   The Arma Gigas swung its sword towards Weiss, only to miss as she backflips away

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   The Arma Gigas swung its sword towards Weiss, only to miss as she backflips away. The song continues in her flashback.

Weiss (singing off-screen): "~Mirror, tell me something. Tell me who's the loneliest of all...~"

   She soon drew out her weapon, a white rapier with a revolver barrel called 'Myrtenaster'.

   She soon drew out her weapon, a white rapier with a revolver barrel called 'Myrtenaster'

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    She soon darts forward, striking the Arma Gigas before twirling into a landing. The Arma Gigas swung its sword again but she dashes away and lands a few spinning slashes onto the Grimm. It retaliated back when she uppercuts into the air, arching its sword and hitting Weiss' rapier, which she raised just in time only to be knocked back. Weiss looks up to see the Arma Gigas leaping into the air and hurling its sword towards her, then swinging it back up in order to hit its fast-moving target. She blocked it again and was knocked back but she rolled back onto her feet.

Weiss (singing off-screen) : "~Fear of, what's inside of me. Tell me can a heart be turned to stone?~"

   Her fingertips started glowing white as she motions the ground beneath her. A white glyph appears and it propels her forward at mach speed. Despite its attempts to land a blow on Weiss, she disappears and reappears all around the Arma Gigas, leaping through the air using her glyphs. Each time she passes the Grimm, she lands a blow on it.

   After she slashed its face, the Grimm then aimed at Weiss' feet. She leaps over it but the Grimm launches its fist towards her. It struck her head and she was knocked back from the force and was lying on the ground. She tried to get up but she was struggling due to the damage done. She closed her eyes as in the present, the spotlight suddenly cuts off.

   The moon soon shows itself when the clouds pass by it, illuminating Weiss in its moonlight. She continues to sing with her eyes closed as in the flashback, she stands back up, eyeing the Arma Gigas with blood trailing down the left side of her face. She held out her rapier, spinning the barrel until the blade soon glows red. The Arma Gigas soon ran towards her and swung its sword downwards. But,  she blocked it and the broadsword was deflected back.

Weiss (singing off-screen): "~Mirror, mirror, what's behind you? Save me from the things I see! I can keep it from the world. Why won't you let me hide from me?~"

   Weiss soon spins around and the blade glows cyan blue. She thrusts the sword into the ground, creating a wave of ice that froze the Grimm's legs in place. Weiss charged towards it while the Grimm swung its sword trying to hit her but she dodges and jumped on the sword. She rolled over the sword, 'Myrtenaster' soon glowed yellow and she struck a blow on the Grimm, destroying the ice that was constricting it but the sword was blown away and stuck to the ground. Weiss rotates the barrel again and a glyph appeared under her. Without its sword, the Arma Gigas swung its fist towards her but she rolls out of the way and activated the glyph, launching the Grimm into the air. Weiss spins her rapier in a circular motion, making blue orbs of energy. She blasts them towards the Grimm, trapping it.

Weiss (singing off-screen): "~Mirror, Mirror, tell me something. Who's the loneliest of them all?~"

   With one final leap into the air as the barrel spins one last time and the patterns on 'Myrtenaster' glowed white, she descends and dealt the final blow, killing the Arma Gigas as the moon shines behind her. She lands in a crouch position as the Grimm's corpse crashes down behind her, turning into a shower of ice and snow. The flashback ends just as Weiss sung the last lines of her song.

Weiss: "~I'm the loneliest of them all~."

  Weiss opened her eyes, looking up in a daze as she was showered by a gentle rain of snow and a thundering roar of applause. She looks at the audience and saw someone who caught her eye a bit. A young man wearing a grey jacket, clapping at Weiss. She couldn't see his face as she was far away and the young man's hood was covering his face.

   Weiss soon brushed it off and did a courteous bow towards the audience and soon walked back to the back stage and the curtains soon close around her.

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