Chapter 2: Beacon Academy

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Y/n P.O.V

   After waking up and getting his equipment ready, Y/n managed to get on the nearest Airship to Beacon. As he was enjoying the view, he was thinking about how his life will be at Beacon Academy. He heard rumors that students will be in teams at Beacon during the Initiation so he was slightly worried that if he was in a team, sharing his past would be difficult.

Y/n: "I really don't know whether those rumors I heard were true. If they are, well... I'll worry about it later, I guess."

   As he was walking around the Airship, he saw someone he recognized. It was the girl in red from yesterday. She was apparently being bear hugged by a...very well endowed blonde girl who is wearing clothes that were a bit revealing. He was close enough to hear what they're talking so he decided to eavesdrop a bit, hoping to get some info.

Blonde girl: "Oh, I can't believe that my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

Girl in red: "*struggling* Please stop."

Y/n: 'Wait, they're sisters!? They look nothing alike! Hmm, probably half sisters and with those moves trying to stop Torchwick, I'm not surprised that Ozpin enrolled her and moved her ahead for a year or two. Just like me.'

   As he was distracted by his thoughts, he noticed that the blonde girl had let go of her sister.

Blonde girl: "But I'm so proud of you!"

Girl in red: "Really, sis. It was nothing."

   Before he could hear what she was going to say, a turbulence occurred, causing the Airship to tilt to the side a bit. Y/n lost his balance and fell in between the two sisters. This caused him to panic and blushed as he was on top of both of them and they in a compromising position. Being the socially awkward person he is, he began to think negatively on the outcome of his current predicament.

Y/n: 'Shit!! What am I going to do!? Now, people would think that I'm a pervert and I can kiss my new life at Beacon goodbye!! And I barely even arrived there yet! What am I gonna do!?'

Y/n: "A-ah, I-i can explain."

Girl in red: "Yang, do you know this guy?"

Yang: "Sorry, sis. Never seen him before but he is daring, I'll give him that. *smirks*"

Y/n: "S-sorry! I-i'll get up now."

   He quickly got up and help the blonde who he now knows as Yang and the girl in red back on the feet. Yang was still smirking at him, causing him to blush. Fortunately, his hood covered his face when he fell so his face wasn't seen.

Yang: "It's alright. You ok?"

Y/n: "H-huh? Y-you girls aren't mad?"

Girl in red: "Why? It was just an accident. We weren't hurt so it's fine. Should we be angry?"

   She tilted her head, causing Y/n to be a little shocked. Was this girl that innocent? Fortunately, he quickly snapped out of it and introduced himself.

Y/n: "It's nothing, thank you. Um, my name is Y/n, Y/n Gilbert."

Ruby: "Well, my name is Ruby! Ruby Rose!

Ruby: "Well, my name is Ruby! Ruby Rose!

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