Chapter 13 : Two Types Of Confessions

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Timeskip- Y/n P.O.V.

   During the ride on the elevator, Y/n was pondering about what Ozpin wanted from him while still worrying about his best friend.

Y/n: 'Wonder what Oz wants from me? Probably some current info about Shin or a new mission. But...I need to talk to Jaune. He needs to open up and tell me about his problem with Cardin. Well, either way, I'm ready.'

   After riding in the elevator for some time, Y/n had finally arrived at Ozpin's office. He walked out the elevator and saw Professor Ozpin sitting on his chair, still sipping from that coffee mug of his. He looked up at Y/n and smiled.

Ozpin: "Ah, Y/n. I see that you're punctual as always. How are your injuries?"

Y/n: "A bit sore but still functional. So, what you want from me, Oz?"

Ozpin: "*chuckles* I swear, you're starting to sound like Qrow. *clears his throat* Well, Y/n. What I want from you is simple."

   He flicked something from his desk and a hologram of Shin appeared from the center of the room.

Ozpin: "What on Remnant is Shin Halberd's next move? According to what Miss Xiao Long saw, Shin left after the two of you clashed swords, presumably escaping after he sustained heavy injuries. Now, what I gathered from all the information I obtained is that he is after you. More specifically, Ende. Now, you probably have a grasp on his attitude now so tell me. What do you think he'll do next?"

   Fortunately for Ozpin, Y/n had already begun thinking about what will his sadistic cousin will do next since the past few days besides doing training.

Y/n: "Well, for starters, definitely he'll either try attacking my team or Team JNPR since he loves watching me lose the people I care about or he'll just straight up attack me. Either by full force or a sneak attack. And judging by how he got me and Yang last time, the latter seems to be his favorite."

Ozpin: "I agree. His attitude after he obtained 'True Demise' has become unpredictable and is only becoming more worse. You're probably the only one who could understand his thinking and even by that, he can still find ways to be unpredictable. But...I digress. I'll tighten up security especially around your friends. Judging by your wounds, he's definitely developed a taste for torture and brutality."

Y/n: "Yeah...don't remind me..."

   The office became silent for a while until Ozpin quickly spoke.

Ozpin: "Well, then! Now that little predicament has been settled out of the way, we can finally discuss about the second reason why I called you. Here."

   He took out a pair of gauntlets just like the ones that he lost during the battle with Shin but these looked customized and well-fitted.

Y/n: "Professor Ozpin, are these-"

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Y/n: "Professor Ozpin, are these-"

Ozpin: "Yes. I've pulled some strings and have some of the finest blacksmiths in Vale to build these pair of gauntlets according to the blueprints you've sent me a few days ago. Try them out."

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