Chapter 14 : Forever Fall

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   It's been a few days after Y/n's birthday and the news of him and Yang dating were spreading like wildfire. Needless to say, the news amused a few people.

   Team JNPR naturally congratulated the two on their relationship and Y/n turning 16 and so was Team CFVY. Even Glynda and some of the teachers congratulated them of getting together although Glynda warned them not to get too frisky and are not allowed to flirt in any classes but Yang had already disobeyed the latter rule and she was trying to find loopholes for the first rule but they will always be covered by her new boyfriend.

   Now that they were dating, the dynamic between Y/n and Yang changed drastically. Yang was shamelessly flirting and acted romantic with Y/n regardless of the situation to the point where some of their friends jokingly say that they were making them barf out sugar. The two will often sleep in the same bed together and Y/n stopped blushing towards Yang's advances and he would often flirt back which immediately changed into a heated make-out section which made a few of their friends very uncomfortable, much to the couple's amusement.

   His relationship between his other teammates were the same and he met the rest of Team CFVY. He got to formally meet Fox since the match he had with Coco and finally met the last member, Yatsuhashi Daichi.

  Oddly enough, the first time they met, Yatsuhashi eyed Y/n for a bit before nodding with approval

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  Oddly enough, the first time they met, Yatsuhashi eyed Y/n for a bit before nodding with approval. This made Y/n confused for a bit until Fox explained that Yatsu was one of those the serious warrior type and that he accepted him as a fellow warrior.

   Despite that, Y/n managed to hit it off well with the male members of Team CFVY. He was one of the few people who think that Fox's blindness was a strength and understood his desire to be remembered after death after learning his reason so Fox and him got along rather easily thanks to the former's joking attitude. He and Yatsuhashi got along since they were warriors themselves and they both agreed to spar on a later date.

  Although he got along with the male members, he was a little closer with the female members. Coco still flirted with him regardless whether he's taken or not and both the male members of Team CFVY said that it's the first time they seen her like this as it was mostly other people who were flirting her, not the other way around. Velvet still thought of Y/n as her hero and she was always being shy and blushing wherever he was around. All and all, he liked Team CFVY and they often hung out with his team.

   However, the others noticed that his relationship with Jaune was a little worrying. The two rarely spoke to one another and Y/n will only talk to him if he needed something. Their friends noticed that Jaune had a sad look on his face every time the two best friends meet so they concluded that something had happened to them but they decided to leave them be since, according to Pyrrha, it's a matter of pride.

   Speaking of Jaune, he was also starting to hang out with Cardin of all people. This made a few people worried as they thought he might be threatened to hang out with the bully but Jaune reassured them that he was okay. Everyone except Y/n, who probably knew what was going on but didn't say and Pyrrha, who was the most disappointed of all. The two were also not on talking terms and Jaune would have an even more saddened look on his face whenever his eyes locked with the red-haired Spartan.

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