Chapter 4: The First Step

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'Please, don't do this! Aren't they your family!?'

Stop it...

'When will you learn? Peace is a fool's game.'

Stop it!

'Face it, Gilbert! No matter what happens, I will always be greater than you. After all, to everyone, you're nothing but a monster.'

Stop it!!!

'Remember, Mommy will always love you.'

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Y/n immediately woke up in a cold sweat. Once again, he's had that terrible nightmare. A nightmare that forces him to relive all of his failures. His failure to stop 'him', his inability to put the brakes on Adam's murderous tendencies, the incident with his 'friends' during his days at Signal and...his mother dying in front of him. Originally, he only had a nightmare regarding 'him' but with each major incident, the nightmare kept on extending. And every time he has this nightmare, he would always feel the same thing... Sad, angry, disgust...and alone.

   Y/n continued to brood on his emotions until he shook his head to forget his melancholy. He looked around for a bit until his eyes landed on Ruby and Yang who were still sleeping. Yang was using Ruby as a body pillow while Ruby had a face that showed that she was very uncomfortable. As he was about to get up, he saw a very hyper girl trying to wake a guy up.

Hyper girl: "Wake up, lazy butt! *singing* It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!"

   Y/n chuckled at the sight as he quietly walked away from them while he began his morning exercise.


   After finishing his exercise and took a shower, he met up with Jaune who was looking for him. They both went to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat.

Jaune: "Seriously, dude. Who on Remnant starts the day by doing 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups every morning!?"

Y/n: ""

Jaune: "....Yeah, I'm gonna ignore that."

   Y/n chuckled at Jaune's remark as they both grabbed their food and found a place to sit. Y/n had bacon and eggs along with some toast, a small salad and a cup of milk tea.

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