Chapter 10 : Y/n's Past Pt 1

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3rd Person P.O.V.

    Inside Y/n's medical ward, Team RWBY and Team JNPR were about to learn of their teammate and friend's past which he was so adamant of keeping it hidden.

Ozpin: "Y/n's full name is Y/n Gilbert Masamune."

   Everyone minus Ruby, Yang and Jaune gasped at Ozpin's mention of that name. It's natural that they would at least recognized the name of one of Remnant's most famous yet elusive warrior tribes.

Weiss: "Wait, did you just said Masamune? As in, the Masamune clan!? The clan incredibly famous for training and raising incredible warriors including some of the strongest Huntsmen in the history of Remnant!? And Y/n's actually one of them!?"

Ozpin: "*smiles* If you put it that way, yes. But, Y/n's a little special than the others for not only is he a member of the Masamunes, he's also the son of the chief of the village where they reside."

   The others were rather stunned by this information. They never expected that their close friend was not only a member of the Masamunes but was also the son of the chief. However, Yang was more concerned about something else.

Yang: "If that's true then...why didn't he tell us about his real name or his affiliation? Why would he use an alias?"

   Immediately realizing what Yang was worried about, Ozpin corrected himself as he cleared his throat to gain their attention.

Ozpin: "Miss Xiao Long, I can assure you that Y/n did not lie or use an alias. Otherwise, I would have noticed. Gilbert is his last name. Y/n Gilbert Masamune is just an acronym for 'Y/n Gilbert of the Masamune Clan'. It's tradition in the village of the Masamunes that their full name will be consisting of their given name, their family name and their affiliation with the clan. Also, I believe that he didn't want to be seen as a Masamune but as himself. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Rose"

Ruby: "Yup! I guess Y/n wants to be a normal boy with normal knees."

WB/JNPR: "Normal what?"

   The rest minus Yang were confused with what Ruby said until Ozpin cleared his throat once again before continuing.

Ozpin: "Let's continue, shall we? Y/n...was an orphan the moment he was born."

   This caused a lot of gasps from some of the people in the room.

Ruby: "He...he's an orphan?"

Ozpin: "Yes. His biological parents...'abandoned' him some time after his birth."

   While the rest were taking in this information, none of them noticed the bitter yet remorseful look in his eyes.

Jaune: "*angered* You're telling us that his birth parents just abandoned him like he means nothing to them!?"

Ozpin: "...Yes... But, fate was kind to him as he was adopted by the former chief of the Masamune clan, Anthony Gilbert and his wife, Mui Gilbert at the age of two. I believe most of you know that members the Masamune clan are well-known for being powerful and skilled to the point where even a 10 year old child from the village can defeat an adult Huntsmen with years of experience. Fortunately, their strength is only matched by their noble heart. They offer protection for travelers in exchange for basic supplies only."

Pyrrha: "It's true. I've heard that they never accept money and that many skilled Huntsmen wished to hone their skills by learning from the Masamunes."

Ozpin: "Indeed. Y/n was five years old when his father died. They don't know the cause but many of the Masamunes think that the cause of his death is this."

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