Chapter 8 : Monster

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   After arriving at Atlas, Y/n's first task was to meet up with the Agent from Atlas. Little did he know that the Agent was of his old mentors.

Y/n: "Master Winter!?"

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Y/n: "Master Winter!?"

Winter: "Y/n!?"

   The disciple and mentor pair looked shocked when they looked at each other. Suddenly, Y/n immediately shook it off and quickly saluted towards his white-haired teacher.

Y/n: "*salutes* It's been a while, Master."

   Winter continued to stare at him until she started chuckling for a bit before returning the salute with her own.

Winter: "*salutes* At ease, Y/n. *smile* It's great to see you again."

   Y/n smiled as he walked up and hugged his mentor which she returned the affection.

Winter: "You've gotten taller."

Y/n: "You're still taller than me."

Winter: "Only by a few inches and I see that you still have that height complex."

Y/n: "Not that! It's just that I rather have my mentors taller than me so I can 'look up' to them instead of 'looking down' on them."

Winter: "Yes, yes. Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. *smirks*"

Y/n: "*gasp* Winter Schnee, Specialist from Atlas is being sarcastic! Oh, Oum! I better tell Master Qrow about this!"

   Immediately after he said that, they quickly separated and he got smacked in the head by Winter.

Winter: "Silence, you boob!! Even I know how to quip around and don't you dare tell that drunk about this!"

Y/n: "I know. But, sheesh! After all this time, you and Master Qrow are still at each other's necks."

Winter: "You know how I can't stand that drunken, no good, unbearable...dolt! But, that's not important. Now then, *smiles* how have you been?"

   Knowing full well that she completely doesn't care about his ranking nor about his grades, he knew that his mentor only cared about one thing. His well-being.

Y/n: "I'm doing fine, Master. I'm eating well, still doing my exercise and you can see, I'm attending Beacon and well, made some friends."

Winter: "*nods in approval* Excellent. I'm pleased to see that you are healthy and have not once slack off on your training. But most of all, *smiles* I'm glad that you have attempted and made some new friends. After what happened at, forgive me, Signal, I was afraid that you would still be...antisocial."

Y/n: "*scratches the back of his head* Well, still kinda am at some areas... *looks at Winter* I know what you're thinking. Yes, it's true that I need to move on but..."

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