Chapter 11 : Y/n's Past Pt 2

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   It's been two days since Y/n hasn't woke up from his slumber. Team RWBY had never left his room since that night where they learn about his past. Yang was the one who was the most adamant of never leaving his side and her teammates weren't that far from her stubbornness either.

   Ozpin had been checking up every now and then with Glynda in tow. He informed them that they were allowed to stay by his side but they must catch up on classes as soon as he wakes up. He also informed that he told the school body that Y/n stopped a powerful intruder from entering Beacon despite not being armed but was hospitalized due to his injuries. Naturally, Team RWBY was a little upset for that but he told them that it was necessary to avoid suspicion and that technically he didn't told a lie.

   Team JNPR had also been visiting Y/n every day and they only left if they had classes and if it's nighttime. They often give Team RWBY notes from the classes they missed. A few of their classmates had also heard about Y/n's condition and they decided to visit and hoped that he woke up as well. Even Professor Port, who commented that his classes would be boring without the rambunctious Team RWBY and his star student, Y/n.

   However, not all of them were friendly. Team CRDL's leader, Cardin Winchester made some unsavory comment about how he could be able to drive off the intruder easily and that Y/n being too weak was the reason he's in the medical ward. Needless to say, when Yang caught wind of this, it was the only time she left his side and well, a lot of girly man screaming was heard.

   Right now, it was morning and Team RWBY and Team JNPR were still in the room. Yang was at Y/n's side, holding his hand and hoping that he would wake up soon.

Blake: "It's been two days now. If he doesn't wake up today, it will be the third."

Weiss: "D-do you honestly think he might wake up?"

Ruby: "Don't say that, Weiss. He'll wake up today. I'm sure he will. He's a member of Team RWBYY after all."

Yang: "Yeah. Hey, Y/n? If you don't wake up soon, your mountain of homework will be as tall as you and there's no way we're helping you."

   Some of them slightly chuckled at Yang's joke for once but it was immediately replaced with melancholy as they saw Y/n, who was still sleeping. However, it was short-lived as they noticed that his hand slowly twitched. Yang immediately felt it and she was on high alert.

Yang: "Guys, he's waking up!"

   No sooner as she said that, Y/n suddenly groaned as his eyes slowly opened. He lifted his arm to try to cover them from the sunlight but to no avail. His voice, which everybody missed was heard in the room.

Y/n: "Hey, guys..."

RWBY/JNPR: "Y/N!!!!"

Y/n P.O.V.

    After fighting Shin and passing out, Y/n was in that same space where he talked with Ende and accepted him.

Y/n: "Huh...I'm here again."

   Suddenly, he saw a bunch of flashes which forced him to cover his eyes with his arm.

Y/n: "Ok, what is going on?"

   He soon heard voices. Two of them to be exact. One was Ende's, the other one was all too familiar with Y/n.

Y/n: "T-that voice...Father?"

   As he opened his eyes, he saw a mirage in front of him. Most probably one of Ende's memories. It shows of his father was talking with Ende. Soon, Y/n knew everything. The real reason why his father died, Ende helping him and his true nature. Y/n felt saddened when he saw this.

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