54. Unbelievable

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(This will be fairly short- for a reason)

(Ariana's POV)

I didn't care wether it was embarrassing or not but I was crying into Shawns chest the entire car ride home.

When we got to the hotel more paparazzi were there but there was plenty of security. Shawn guided me inside where all the magcon boys were waiting to make sure I was okay.

Mahogany cane over and hugged me and walked the to the lift with me and Shawn.

We got inside and pressed the button and Shawn turned to me

"I wish I could've punched him"

"I'm sorry" I sigh

"It's not your fault okay. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks.

"I'm not hurt, I just hate all the lights and the crowds" I say and wipe my eyes.

"He wouldn't let go of my hand He was loving it" I cry.

"He was using you Ariana" mahogany frowned and hugged me.

"I knew it was too good to be true" I cry.

Shawn hugs us as well and when we get to our floor me and mahogany go to my room and Shawn comes In too.

"You're lucky Hayes was there to save you" Shawn said.

"I know" I frown.

"But you can't ever lie to us again, or that will keep happening. You must let security know" Shawn sighs.

I nod my head and wipe my eyes.

"I'll let you relax" he says and hugs me again before leaving.

Mahogany was running me a bath whilst I took my shoes off and was attacked by Toulouse with kisses.

Some people will do anything they can to get a glimpse of attention and it's sad and my sister has had to suffer because of it.
Please can paparazzi be more respectful.

(Hayes POV)

Me and Maggie were in the hotel lobby with the rest of the boys and I was explaining what happened.

When the boys left Maggie turned to me

"What the fuck was that?" She snapped

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Well, you tell me your not going to leave your with me and now your saving Ariana?!" She snaps.

"Did you really expect me to sit back and do nothing!!!!?" I say pissed off.

"Yes!" She sighs.

"That's unbelievable" I shake my head.

"You're clearly still in love with her" She snaps again.

"Maggie, I would've helped anyone if anyone was in that situation. That's just who I am" I say getting angry.

"Well you know what! If you can't put me firsts then we shouldn't be together!" Maggie shouts.

"There is no need to shout! But you read my mind!" I say harshly.

"You're unbelievable" Maggie sighs.

"Sorry if you thought otherwise but I only did that as I knew she needed help. She is new to this and was clearly very scared!" I huff.

"Let's face it, you still like her Grier" Maggie says rudely.

"Maggie I think we should break up..." I sigh.

Hayes Grier and Maggie Lindemann have reportedly broken up following an incident where Hayes Grier helped Ariana Mendes escape paparazzi

@News:Hayes Grier and Maggie Lindemann have reportedly broken up following an incident where Hayes Grier helped Ariana Mendes escape paparazzi

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// thanks for reading part 54
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1. Do you think Maggie and Hayes are over for good?
2. Will #Hayley return?

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