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"you can stop right now you know? you don't have to do this"

I tilted my head and looked towards the emergency exit. I saw him hesitant looking at the door.

"i'll help you"

I looked up into his eyes not realizing what I just said. My life had been a little boring so I guess this was just my heart speaking, not my consciousness.

"are you sure?"

I nodded and quickly walked back to the hostages, I looked around the corner and saw that they were slowly walking towards the entrance. The police did the same thing and after I ran back to Noel, he opened the emergency exit and we ran away. A alarm went off and I heard the people behind us screaming.

"this way" Noel pointed his finger at a small lake.

He threw his gun in the lake before running into a tunnel underneath the water. I followed him and together we ran towards a forest at the edge of the city. We stopped at a big tree in the middle.

"wait a second" I said while leaning onto the tree, trying to breathe.

"are you okay?" he looked really worried.

"nah I'm fine, i just need a minute"

I told Noel that his balaclava covered his left eyebrow so I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. A little closer than I intended though. I tried to not make it weird and just shifted his balaclava so it looked like a beanie. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

"why are you doing this Piper?"

I sighed at his question.

He kept talking but I didn't listen. The thoughts in my head took over. What did I get myself into? There's no way we could hide for the rest of our life, and where would we even go? I don't even know him and I risk my life for him?

Every time I look into his eyes I just get this weird feeling. Like we're meant to be here together. Noel was just something else and for some reason I cared about him a lot.

"you know you don't have t-"

I cut him off by giving him a kiss on his lips. He stopped talking and grabbed my jaw with his hands. There were big and strong, he could've done anything that he wanted to do with me. I had no chance of defending myself, he was in control. But instead of hurting me, he kissed me very gently and moved his hands from my jaw to my waist. He made me feel very comfortable even though we were in a forest, running away from the police.

After a few seconds I pulled away, he smirked at me.

"we should continue this somewhere else"

hostage ⋆ nmWhere stories live. Discover now