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I nodded and felt a little intimidated by Cody, I wasn't sure if he wanted me to go or stay.

"I want to help"

He rolled his eyes at me probably thinking I was stupid, and walked towards the living room. I followed him and sat down on the couch next to Noel.

"you can stay as long as you need buddy" he tapped on Noel's shoulder before he sat down on a chair next to the couch.

Every time I looked at Noel I just had this weird feeling. I actually cared about him even though I'd only knew him for two days. He made me feel useful, for the first time in my life I felt like I mattered. My parents normally don't even look at me. Same goes for the rest of my family. My feelings for Noel  were growing by the minute, and I guessed that he felt the same.

After a few minutes of Noel and Cody catching up and me just chilling on my phone, Cody asked if he could talk to me in private. I nodded and Cody walked into a room with all of his clothes.

Noel grabbed my hand before I could follow him and pulled me back.

"whatever he's gonna say, or try, I have to tell you something first"

"one sec!" I screamed at Cody so we had a little privacy.

Noel pulled me closer to him until I sat on his lap.

"I don't know how to tell you this cause I'm usually not that good with feelings and stuff, but with you I feel different. For the first time in my life I feel like someone actually likes me for who I am and not just for my money. The minute I walked into that building and saw you, I had so many regrets that I didn't just walk in like a customer and asked you out for a drink or something."

I nodded and listened carefully to every word he had to say.

"thank you for being here with me because without you i wouldn't be here at all. so what I'm trying to say is" he took a deep breath.

"I think I'm in love with you"

The last seven words he said repeated themselves a few times in me head. My heart wanted to say that I love him as well. But my mind told me something else. There's no way we could be together and hide for the rest of our life in here. And even if we did move to another city or country, the police would still be looking for him. Even though my mind was right, I followed my heart.

"I love you too Noel. We'll get through this, together"

Cody must've heard our conversation because before Noel could pull me in for a kiss, Cody told me to hurry up.

"I'll be right back" I smiled at Noel while walking towards Cody's walk in closet.

Before I could reach the doorknob we heard a loud banging on the front door.

"this is the police! open the door now!"

I turned around so I could see Noel and he was freaking out.


"whatever happens, promise me you'll wait for me?!" Noel asked within a second.

I looked in his eyes with tears running over my face, everything happened so fast.

"I promise"

When the police stormed through the door Cody grabbed my hand and pulled me into the closet.


He pulled me closer to him and we hid behind his clothes. He put his hand in front of my mouth so I couldn't attract any attention to us.

"he's in here!"

I mumbled while I saw Noel standing all by himself with his hands in the air. One of the police man pointed a gun at him, I couldn't watch anymore. Tears slowly ran over my cheeks while Noel got pulled outside by the policeman's.

"search the house!"

Cody pulled me against his chest while we were sitting on the ground behind his clothes. Still not taking his hand off my mouth.

We heard footsteps coming closer which made us both stop breathing for a second.

"the bottom level is clear!" a policeman said while closing the door of the room we were hiding. Cody finally took his hand off my mouth and let go of me.

"how the fuck did this happen?" Cody whispered a little loud since his face was only a few inches from mine.

"shut up"

He rolled his eyes and we both waited for the police to leave. After a few minutes we heard the front door close even though the lock was broken. In the mean time, Cody and I came out of our hiding spot and walked back into the living room.

"this is fucked up" Cody said while taking his hands through his hair.

I saw Noel's beanie still laying on the couch, so I grabbed it and held it close to me since it was the only thing I had left of him. Another tear escaped my eye.

"where are they taking him?" I asked Cody. He was staring at the ceiling.

"I have no idea, jail probably?"

My heart stopped beating for a second not knowing what to do. Cody saw that I was hurt so he walked towards me and gave me a tight hug.

"why don't you just go home? you can text me if you need anything, we'll figure this out together. Noel is a tough guy, he'll be fine don't worry"

His words were actually really comforting, it felt like he became a different person all of the sudden. I agreed and gave him my phone number in case he heard anything from Noel.

When I walked outside I saw the same old lady from before standing on the other side of the street, she smiled at me. She must be the reason that they took Noel away from me. I got really angry and sad at the same time.

But like Cody said: we'll figure this out together

The end

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