It's platonic...

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Me and my best friend Golf Ball are going to math class, we are the best in the grade but GB is still better than me. We are in sophomore year now and I've liked her since the end of 4th grade, we've been friends since 2nd grade, she skipped the 1st one so she's a year younger than me. However I'm not sure if she likes me because she keeps saying that it's platonic to everyone... We were waiting for the teacher. "Hey TB did you study for the math test today?" GB asked me "Yeah I did how about you" I asked "Well of course I studied! Who do you think I am?" She exclaimed "But you're already perfect at math!" I said "I need to be sure to have straight A+!" She said. The teacher arrived and opened the door for us, we went to our respective seats. The teacher handed us the tests and we did them. It was easy for me since I studied, before I continued my test, I looked at Golf Ball, she looked so focused, she was outrageously scribbling notes on the test, she wanted everything right. She's so cute when she's serious. She's serious most of the time so she's always cute. I stopped looking at her, well at least I tried to stop... but I continued staring while writing so I was writing something else. I then looked back at my sheet of paper and saw that I had drawn a heart.. I erased it and continued my test. I was soon done, and the bell rang very soon too. We had science class next "That test was hard..." We heard the others say "Grassy agrees!" Grassy said "You should have studied!" Golf Ball interfered. "Geez we're not like you!" Ruby said "It's your problem if it was hard! You should have studied!" GB yelled "Golf Ball, calm down please! And let's go to science class" I said as I took her arm. I'm used to it, I always calm her down because her parents aren't always here and I'm her closest friend. While walking to science class, we saw a list. "Science contest?" I read out loud, it was a contest in partners, Golf Ball saw it too "Let's participate!" She exclaimed "It's being held in 2 months and we have to come to their meeting tomorrow!" She added . We signed our names in the chart and went to class. Of course we were the first ones in front of the classroom. Then we saw our other friends 8-Ball and Basketball.

We went to the science class after we signed up for that contest, we saw 8Ball and Basketball arrive a bit later than us, TB considers them as our friends, I on the other hand see them as frenemies. I don't want anyone to steal my best friend from me! Ever since last year, I began to feel weird around TB, I think it's called having a crush on someone, so yeah, I like Tennis Ball. My only best friend, my duo! We went inside the classroom and our teacher Mrs. Potion told us an announcement "I have an announcement to make! For those who are interested, you can participate in a science contest! The contest is in partners and it's held in two months, to submit your inscription you have to come to the principal's office tomorrow with this paper signed by you and you have to sign up your names in the chart that is in the hallway" She then gave us the inscription sheets, I already completed it, I saw the box with written: Partner, of course I wrote down Tennis Ball's name and he did so too. He also signed. Then she proceeded giving us a long lecture about the periodic timetable (If that's what it's called xD) that was easy for me of course but I was still taking notes to be sure. The bell then rang and we were free "Hey Golf Ball what are you doing now?" TB asked "I don't know but I think I was gonna study what we did in science today" I answered "Oh, because I actually wondered if you wanted to hang out?" He asked "Yeah Sure! Let's just go to my house and then yours to put our backpacks" I said, we went to my house, I left my backpack at home and then we went to TB's house. Guess not studying for a day won't hurt but I will have to make it up. We were deciding what to do "How about we go to the park?" Tennis Ball suggested "Yeah! Good idea" I said, we went to the park. "So for the science contest, we must do something revolutionary!" I said "But, what should we do?" He asked. "How about... Ugh you're right... WHAT can we do??" I said. But soon after we kinda stopped talking about the science contest and walked for a bit around the park "Hey let's buy a drink!" TB asked, I tagged along of course since I began to be thirsty. I chose my favorite drink Fizzley Gray. "Let me pay!" He said "Wha- No! Let me pay for myself" I said "Golf Ball I insist!" He insisted "Ugh... alright. But I owe you back!" I said "Nope! I'm good." He said then we walked some more again.

I like paying for myself and for Golf Ball, paying for my crush and doing something for her is something I love to do. I'm used to her bossying around, I'm the only one who doesn't mind since it's her personality. We walked for some more and she was kinda yelling at me for paying for her drink saying that she must give the money back. We then stopped talking about that and sat down on the grass under a tree, leaves were falling, they were all orange, brown since it was the middle of November. "I think we should be going home now" I said "Yeah, it's already getting dark so let's go home!" She said, it was almost 7 PM and in November it gets dark fast. We went to our respective homes and I began to think what could we do for the science contest. I'm already quite impatient... working with Golf Ball for something quite huge for me, a great event because this time it's different.
Heyyyy So here is the first chapter of my new fanfic :> a popular ship! So anyway hope you liked the chapter and for the info this fanfic might be a bit shorter or longer but most likely shorter than my first fanfic (Stapoldy) anyway

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