The final blow

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(I am modifying the original thing they were supposed to make since it was quite cringey and like, how can you make it? So instead it's just the one rocket but with a guinea pig inside, it's actually a reference, if you got the reference, i love you.)

The science contest is today! What happened in the past 2 months (or weeks, i don't remember) Well, first me and Golf Ball went back to being normal, like the usual best friends we were and started focusing on the science project for real. All the stuff that happened at the party was forgotten and never spoken about ever again. So for the project, we just agreed on something pretty simple, which is to make a functioning rocket with a guinea pig as the astronaut. We even trained it, we'd even explain the training the animal went through, for now it surprisingly survived, it didn't die. We were setting everything up on the table. We would launch the rocket somewhere, we were outside since there were many other contestants and there wasn't much space left inside, well, outside was actually better for us soooo... yeah. By the way, I actually trafficked our project a teeny tiny bit... well, let me explain, I plan on telling Golf Ball how I feel, today, but in a special way. So, at the base of the rocket, when it flies away, at one point there's a little box that's going to fall, and inside the box, there's a little ring in it with a tag asking her out. I just hope nothing goes wrong... but what COULD go wrong? Right? It was now 7 AM, and we had to be ready at 10 AM to show our project, but have to be there at 8 or 9 AM to register and set up our project. I ate some breakfast, oh and I forgot to mention that I'm the one who has the rocket right now and Golf Ball has the guinea pig, she insisted on training it the last few days, we agreed to meet up at 8:10 near our table.

fast forward...

"Hello Golf Ball, how are you and is the guinea pig doing well?"

"Hello TB, yes I'm fine, I'm confident about this and I've trained our animal until it's in an olympic form! It'll do well and won't disappoint us, and I've calculated the odds, there's only a 3.51683% chance something will go wrong and 89.41728% chance we'll win this and the rest of the percentage is to fail."

"You're still as calculative as ever GB..."
"that's what I love the most about you..."

"What was the second part?"


Oh man... that was close. We are almost done setting up, now we're just feeding the animal and then we put it in a little astronaut costume and put it in the rocketship. It's a great timing because it's about to be 10 AM and the crowd is forming.

First part of the contest, done, now, we have to wait for the examinator to come check out our project. This better not backfire, but I highly doubt that, since there is 3.51683% chances it'll go wrong, so I'm confident about it, did I ever doubt my brain? Never.

"You're gonna use a guinea piiiiig??"
"No wayyy that's so cool!"
"That's some idea here..."

Many people would check it out. It's great but at the same time, the crowd could break something. Then, an announcement is about to be made.

"Attention everyone, all of the groups participating to the contest, please head over to the red table and grab a number."

"TB! Sprint over to the table and try to get the first number!" I ask

He quickly runs over to the table, he's a fast runner, but, clumsy. He'd better not fall... And to my surprise, he didn't! And he came back to our table.

"We, are, number, 6"

"That's good! Great job TB!"

Now we're just watching, they call out numbers and each group has to lift their hand and wait for the judges to come.

Number 6... I'm actually pretty nervous about this... but, GB doesn't know about something, well I think, and hope, but on one compartment of the small rocket, I installed a small firework, it should make a heart, and inside, there is a little paper, for GB, this is the day I'm going to confess. It's now or never. As I see the other groups pass, it is now our turn. GB is explaining the mechanism, and now she's preparing to launch the rocket. There is a 5 second countdown. and when the countdown was done, the rocket started going up. As it was flying, a compartment dropped, the one where there is the firework, but, my eyes widened as I realized that.

It dropped too early...

Which meant, that the guinea pig wouldn't make it to the rooftop, and that it will drop, and die. If that happens, I cannot imagine all the hate, and even worse, the teachers calling us off for animal abuse! And what more? Well the school might catch fire. but when the compartment dropped, the firework wasn't detonating. I can see Golf Ball's face, she doesn't understand this.

"What??? Did someone sabotage this????"

I could see her starting to get angry, but almost right before the firework dropped on the table, it went off, making a small heart and blowing the paper away pretty far from our table to my face, but since it was so close to the table, well the table caught on fire. The fire alarm rang. I couldn't believe what had just happened... What have I done ... I just ruined this for everyone... My knees dropped, everyone was panicking. Golf Ball was in disbelief, but I see that she caught the paper and unfolded it, which seemed to have made her calm down. Her face was pretty red. And she came over to me.

"TB... Did you do that..?"

"I'm sorry... I-I've been meaning to tell you this but could never find the right moment to tell you, and so I figured I could do it today... but instead, I ruined it all, and now you hate me, and I or WE might get expelled... Golf Ball I am-"

Then she interrupted me with a hug, the first time I've ever gotten a hug from her...

"Oh TB... This is actually... sweet... but, now's not the time, let's go outside, we don't want to burn."

I got up, and like we do a lot, I gave her a piggyback ride. We ran outside. And then we were watching the school. Waiting for the firefighters to arrive. And while we were outside, I put her down and faced her. We were looking at each other, then I gave her a headpat. And gave her a quick soft peck, I was feeling bold at the moment.

"What an interesting way to confess huh? Burning down the school. You sure are an evil mastermind, more evil than me" She joked, I blushed at the comment

"Well, let's use our brains to..."

"Dominate the world!" She exclaimed

"I was thinking of helping but okay, as you wish"

I couldn't have been happier, I'm dating my lifelong crush, and I did that, in an interesting way.

WHATS UPPPPP! I am so sorry that the final chapter is rushed, but, I just wanted to finish this fanfic. I don't like dropping a project when it's about to be done. So I rushed it... hehe im sorry if you don't like it. Buuuuut uhhhh, I don't think I'm going to write anymore BFB fanfics since I pretty much lost interest or maybe just grew out of the fandom I guess. Sooo I hope you had fun reading this, it's been fun, see you around. Byee

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