Back to school

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Sunday wasn't really interesting. We started working on the science project already. We did the scheme and what we needed to do to build it. (I'm far from being an expert at that so don't judge me if I can't do a scheme that is possible to make) Then we got tired and went to bed. We were pretty much done with the scheme. Tomorrow I was going back to school after almost a week of being absent. TB brought me all the work so ts okay .We were pretty much living together for some months, it's great because i get to spend way much more time with TB, we can focus on the project which is perfect! We went to sleep and I had a dream. My dream was really weird so I woke up in the middle of the night, however I didn't remember it. Thank god TB didn't wake up or he would've questioned me about it. Then the alarm clock rang "Morning Tennis Ball..." I groaned "Morning..." He mumbled as he was stretching. We went to the bathroom to brush our teeth and then did the usual, breakfast, getting ready and all. Now we were walking to school, we saw people from our school walking, they had shocked looks and were whispering something. "Hey! What are you whispering about?" I yelled to 2 girls "Sorry, it's none of your business" One of them said "Ugh. Can't you see? We are talking about you! How you didn't come to school" the other one explained "And what's wrong about it huh??" I asked "Nothing! You will see at school now me and my friend need to go" She said. They continued walking "Why did you do that?" TB asked "It was bothering me." I said "Okay..." then we continued our way to school. We entered the building, it wasn't the usual... when the others saw us they were whispering about us, I heard someone say "Hey I think it's this girl who got beaten up and expelled SB" one guy said. While walking everyone was whispering, one boy even gave me a dirty look! This time I didn't pay attention because I didn't want to get beaten up again and miss another day of school. I missed too much already. We got our stuff from our lockers and went to History. In the middle of the class, there was an announcement "Attention please, Golf Ball Gray from class 10-F is commanded to come to the prinipal's office right at this moment" "Golf Ball, go to the office." The teacher said, i left the room and went to the principal's alone. I wonder why am i called...


Huh, Golf Ball is called out to go to the principal's office, i wonder why. I hope its nothing bad! After 10 more minutes in class, she still wasnt back, i was very worried. Too worried actually... i dont want her to get detention! Or suspended from school or even... expelled!!! I highly doubt that she would be expelled or suspended since she did nothing wrong, maybe she will have detention to catch up... or maybe its something else. "Tennis Ball! Pay attention please and dont worry about your friend, she will come back." Mrs. Times scolded. Wait... I HAD A VERY NOTICEABLE WORRIED LOOK!? I decided to stop thinking about it and tried focusing on class, well... i tried to focus... Golf Ball came back into my mind, she was still gone! I got worried again, I was hoping not to have the same look I had before. It's been 20 Minutes since she left. Then I heard a door open, saw a small figure with silver hair. It was her! "You're here, get back to your seat." The teacher instructed, she looked a bit annoyed, I wonder why. She came back with a paper too... I'm gonna ask her later about that. There was still 5 minutes of class left. I feel like this teacher is gonna keep us longer like she always does. The bell rang, we were about to pack up, and like I predicted "I'm not done!" She yelled, we all sighed and waited for some more. Finally, she dismissed us! We waited for like 3 minutes and the next class was starting in 2 minutes! We don't even have time to go to our lockers... The ones who didn't take their stuff English stuff, well they're screwed. Some don't care and take their stuff from their locker and arrive late, some don't take their stuff and come right in time and me and Golf Ball are the ones who take all their morning classes stuff. "Mrs. Times is so annoying!" GB exclaimed "I agree we have other classes too!" I said back. We arrived to the classroom some were already there, we arrived right when the bell rang "Hmmm... Where is the rest of the class?!" The teacher asked. Pin stood up and exclaimed, she was our class president. "I see... I will talk to Mrs. Times about it after class, thanks for telling me and the ones who didn't take their books, go to your locker to get them." He said, almost everyone went to the lockers to get their stuff. Me, Golf Ball, Pin, Lightning and Leafy were the only ones who had them already. We did nothing while we waited for the others, finally everyone came back "Okay now we can start the class!" He said and started giving us a lecture.

After school

Ugh this day was exhausting! Many students whispering behind my back, going to the principal's. The reason I had to go there is because of Snowball's exclusion. And i even got detention because I also hit him... and because I had to catch up a bit. I was ANNOYED for the rest of the day! TB asked me about it, he was sad. He was gonna walk home alone. I was at detention and heard someone say "Omga! Golf Ball got detention!" A girl with blonde hair exclaimed "Lightbulb... we all know why! It's because of SB!" Someone who looked like a boy  with long hair and with a high voice. "Shhh Painty... it's okay. It's because of that SB." The Lightbulb girl said. I was gonna ask what everyone in detention ask I guess "Uhm so... what are you in for?" I asked them "We were late. Too many times already. Only because LIGHTBULB saw the cookie stand everyday on our way to school so we ARE ALWAYS LATE!" Paintbrush exclaimed angrily. "Okay Painty.. I think you should calm down..." Lightbulb said. I saw more people and spoke to them "Uhm... what are you here for?" I asked nervously since they are really scary for me. "Eh. Just hacked the classroom computer by replacing the work with some erotic vids." One of the guys said. "Wow. Rough... But why all of you 3?" I asked "One of us hacked, red hair poured hot sauce inside Mrs. Times mug and-" The silver haired guy said "Hey! Don't call me red hair! ." The red haired guy said "Let me finish Orange! Aaaaand Boulder just... you know. Moaned in class..." The guy explained "Wow that's just..." I began to say "Weird we know now... you're a new person in detention soooo...." He began to say
Hello there =) wanna Know what happens? Well too bad you have to wait for the next episode~ I'm uploading less because I have even less ideas :/ and then I will have school ;-; I always say that sorry xD anyway I will see ya in the next chapter! Byeeeeee

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