Gloomy weekend

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As I woke up, I decided to check my messages, something seemed off, like really off. Last night I sent Golf Ball a message, now I'm seeing it, she left me on read. Is she mad??? Why would she be mad?? Is it because of what happened yesterday? But why? We aren't dating... This is gonna be a looong weekend... And plus, we have to get started on the project for the contest! But if we're mad well... it won't go well... like... REAL BAD. I started gathering some ideas on an invention that is buildable in a lapse of 2 months.

Ever since the party and the dare, I was just laying there on my bed. I still couldn't really believe about what happened and what did they do, I have no clue, but I'm jealous as hell, and mad. He did not seem to be against it, well maybe a bit but not enough. I even cried during my sleep. I wonder if he likes me... or if he likes Flower now... I hug my pillow tighter, not letting go of it, imagining it's my crush.

"Golf Ball, come down breakfast is ready" Mom says

"i'm not hungry..." i reply

Then I hear the stairs and the door open.

"Hun... You haven't eaten since yesterday and never skip breakfast... What's wrong?" She asks


"Come on, I know you better than that, You are sad about something, you can tell me."

"w-well you know how I like Tennis Ball right?"


Then I started telling her about the dare and how it started. While telling her I literally broke down into tears and threw my pillow at her.

"Aww... calm down... shhh it's alright, either he's not the one, or there's a small misunderstanding" She tries comforting me.

"t-thanks mom... but i've always liked him.. and besides, i think i need some air.."

"Sure, just don't take too long alright?"

"Don't worry i won't"

"Fine be careful!"

"Yes mom"

I just felt like going for a walk to clear up my thoughts. Maybe mom is right.. Maybe it was a misunderstanding orrr he's just not the one. While thinking, I remembered the science project. Damn it, I need to think of something to make in 2 months, but would TB agree with what I want to build?? I'm not sure. Well, since I'm walking, might as well go get some coffee at the coffee shop since it's not too far away, luckily i have some money with me right now. As I walked there, I saw a familiar figure at the donut shop nearby, oh no. I need to get in the coffee shop fast and get my drink then go away. I don't wanna talk to him. I don't wanna snap at him and lose him he means too much. Plus I don't feel like hanging out with anyone this weekend in case someone asks to hang with me. I quickly went inside the shop, got my order, out of all days, why did it have to be crowded today... Usually that place isn't too crowded but it isn't too empty either but today is different. I was waiting for my drink impatiently and nervously, always glancing at the door in case he gets in. Thankfully he isn't coming yet. That's when I saw the door open, I saw him, we made eye contact, his eyes widened and he was gonna walk over to me, my order was done.

"THANK YOU BYE!" I then dashed out of the coffee shop.

Out of all the moments. Why. Today. Right now. WHEN I DONT WANT TO SEE HIM!! I was running pretty quickly, to make sure he doesn't catch up, I don't see him behind so I ran to the park and sat down near the tree. I had a textbook and a pencil with me, so I started taking notes on stuff, mostly about the science project while sipping my drink. After I was done writing ideas, I finished drinking and went back home. But then tripped on a rock.

"Hey are you ok?" Someone asked

"Uhm, yeah"

That's when they held out their hand, I took it only to be taken by a wave of shock, that was Tennis Ball.


"I was just chilling?"


"Well because you're my friend, you sound like you want to avoid me, anything on your mind?"

"JUST SHUT UP!" That's when I ran away once more but went home.

I was gonna go to the coffee shop since I had nothing else to do and possibly find Golf Ball there since she likes to chill there when she studies. So I went there, I saw her but she saw me too and when we made eye contact and what I assume, her ready order she dashed out. I wanted to catch up but she was really fast, and she would kill me too, plus I didn't see where she was running away. So I just ordered some coffee. My order was done, I sat down at a table and drank, after I was done I wanted to go for a walk in the park. While I was walking, just thinking about stuff and wasn't really looking where I was going, I stumbled on someone, helped them only to realize it was Golf Ball, she screeched at me. I wanted to talk to her but she didn't seem like she wanted to, I wonder why she avoids me... When she ran I didn't even try to go after her, and I felt guilty too... I went beach home, tomorrow we have school, I wonder how will the day go by, don't think she's gonna stay with me, rumors, she's obviously gonna avoid me. Tomorrow sounds like a promising day... Maybe even a promising week if I'm unlucky enough, have to be careful with what am I doing.
Damn I'm finally done. I don't even have any ideas since I don't want to rush the story, I don't want it to be bad (since I think it's meh) :,) anywayyyyyyyy uhhh had my birthday last week and the end of 9th grade, plus got into the blockzone (confessed to my old crush but moved on) so I kinda had to deal with rejection hehe... Yeah it's lame. Soo I hope you liked the chapter, don't really know when the next chap will come out. Byeeee! And sorry again for all the wait ;-;

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